So I've seen some forums talking about Starcraft MMO. Why it shouldn't be, how it could work, why it wont/will happen. All cool, I myself wouldn't mind playing a SC MMO providing it was good. But there lies the problem. Anyways the problem im seeing is everyone is trying to make it an RPG MMO. While a good idea, there are other types of MMO's out there. One im going to bring up cause I beleive it wold best suite Starcraft's style, is a MMO like Planetside. For anyone who does not know what this is its a FPS MMO from Sony. In a nutshell its 3 (like SC) factions fighting each over constantly. The whole game nothing but war, player skill, and squad tactics. But if you actully find a dedicated squad that will have a plan tell me becuase people tend to get stupid in big battles. Anyways Planetside Battles. Their are around 12-15 continents that players will fight over. Each continent has a number of bases already on it and if you manage to capture the entire area yur faction will gain a bonus depending which continent you hold. The bases are scattered across the area. There are different base types such as a Technology Plant, this will allow the faction that holds it gain access to their special and advance items, weapons, and Vehicals. And a Dropship Facility provides the very large flying ships only avalible at that kind of bases. There is more than that and there are a few of each sometimes on the area. These are the targets you fight for. When say Faction A holds a base, its their. All the bonuses, spawn points, defenses, vehical pad, everything a base needs. And say Faction B wants it. In Planetside you must have a base connected to another to capture. What I mean is that each base has a connection to those around it. Two bases close togther that have a link to each other can be capetured. If you have one base at one end of the area and the enemy has one at the other area, if there are no bases you control in link (near) that base, you will have to work your way up to actully capture, but this does not mean you cant fight there. So Faction B has a base near Faction A's base. They move it and fight for it. Their are multiple ways to cap a base. But the only main thing done is to hack it's main console. On the way you can destory generators, spawn points, and make it easier. Once hacked you must hold the console for 15 minutes and not allow the enemy to rehack and save the base. While this is going all the bases functions are stopped. The problem though with SC is that each race has totally different looking buildings. Maybe they could have some generic design and change it appropitly, like the texture, the console looks and a small difference to design. They would have to work on it. But it would be cool for those 15 minutes for zerg to see the creep begining to spread across the base. Now on Leveling and classes and such. Planetside allows you to have access to any weapon, vehical, items. Providing that you have enough points for them. You start at level 1 and say you get 5 points for starters. Then say Standard weapons are worth 2 points, some type of armor is worth 3 points. And light vehical is worth 3. You will not be able to get everything you want at first but with every level you get a point which will slowly allow you to have more stuff and become for versatile in situations. Some items coud require to be unlocked with say certain lvl or something else. All abilites, items learned can also be taken away if you want to rechoose your points. But to counter constant changing once you forget a ability, you cannot forget agian for 6 hours. So a zerg could spawn as a larva, be able to move some to get to the morphing chamber (name for console access) choose what it's form to be depending on what it has, then go off to battle. For more information on Planetside check out its website. Now all of this is based heavly on Planetside which of course shouldn't be, but im just showing another type of MMO other than RPG. Of course many modifications would have to happen to make Starcraft its own uniuqe versian and not just a copy but you have to start somewhere. Planetside to me seems like a good place to start since its all about constant war to the bloody end between three sides, and that right there sounds alot like Starcraft to me. Post your opinions and if you want to flame please do not go extreme with it. This is just a thought on what could be.
No, not another Planetside, it would be much different, just trying to show other types of MMO's other than RPG. Planetside is a constant war which resembles Starcraft. Same idea, much different game. I did got probably a little to in deph of it but I was on a roll. While it wouldn't matter to me if they made it an MMO, just giving out the possibiltes if they just happen to do that.
Okay, so firstly, this sounds more like an advertisement for Planetside than a discussion about the possibility of a Starcraft MMOG. Secondly, Planetside is terrible because of the lag issues that were present at the time of release. Because of the graphics engine it was on, which is now obsolete, many features of the game that were "buggy" will always remain that way. Thirdly, it would be extremely difficult to implement something like this for Starcraft, but still possible. If Blizzard wants to spend years on a game that will look exactly like WoW and won't have the endurance of the RTS genre, that's fine.
Im not trying to advertise. Not trying to base the whole game on Planetside but this gives the impression that I am. Sorry about that. My main point, and much simpler question. What about a Starcraft MMO FPS of constant war? Was just using planetside as a reference. And this seems to be easier than making a complete RPG like WoW, Everquest, and such.
Well happened to Warcraft, might happen to Starcraft. I wouldn't mind ethier way but as I said, im just giving a possible way they could do it. Other than RPG.