---StarCraft II Q&A Batch 56--- StarCraft II Fan site Q&A series http://starcraft2.4players.de/exclusive_qa_starcraft2_source_en.php 1. Are you still developing new units or are you satisfied with the amount of units for each race and, therefore, more concerned about the fine tuning and balancing? Our philosophy has always been to keep the amount of units for each race to a certain number to keep the gameplay tight, and we are satisfied with what we have right now in terms of that number. Once we head into beta we definitely evaluate the role of each unit and will potentially add or drop units as needed based on feedback. 2. Can you explain the movements of big melee units like the Ultralisk in detail? While running through idle units smaller units tend to move away so the Ultralisk can walk in a straight line. Will that happen only in battles or while moving your whole army as well? The way movement collision works right now is that a unit has to be idle for it to be pushed to a new location by another unit like an Ultralisk. Generally if you are controlling your forces and they are active, you will not see this behavior. 3. In the campaign of StarCraft II, there are many optional objectives to do so that the player can choose how to play through the campaign. But there are players who want to see every cinematic and play every mission. Are there missions where you have to decide, which way you go (e.g. the Terran campaign in StarCraft I, where you decide to choose nuclear weapons or Battlecruisers), or will the player be able to play the whole campaign in a linear progression? Will there be a menu were you can replay already completed missions? If so, can you also unlock new missions in that menu? As you play through the campaign, there will be a few cases where you must make a distinct choice that could change the outcome of a certain side plot or the fate of a specific character. These choices will be made very obvious to players, and for those who want to see all the possibilities, you’ll have the ability to go back and choose the other path. We will also have a way for you to replay completed missions or cinematic cut scenes via the story mode interface as well. 4. In the single player campaign of Warcraft III, even races like the Naga are playable temporarily. Is something like that planned for StarCraft II too? The single player campaign for StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty will focus on the Terran campaign, but there will also be a short series of missions where players take the role of Zeratul and other Protoss forces. 5. Is the range of the stalker’s blink ability limited to the distance between him and the target area or are cliffs and trees considered; so a stalker could blink farther when he’s blinking down a cliff than if he’s blinking up the cliff? The distance you blink is the same regardless of blinking up or down a cliff. 6. Will players be able to send resources to their allies? If so, will there be a limit to the amount of resources they are able to send? Yes, players can send and request resources among teammates but only after a few minutes into the game. The reason for this is to minimize imbalances that could be created by one player getting a massive early economic boost from his or her partner dumping resources at the outset of the game. There currently is no limit to how many resources you can share. 7. Some replays were not compatible with new patches in StarCraft I. Are you working on making replays compatible with new patches for StarCraft II? Yes, we’re working on allowing replays from previous versions of StarCraft II be compatible with new patches as they are released. ---End of Transmission---
Also, http://twitter.com/StarCraft The #StarCraft2 art team is busy tweaking some of the designs for Tychus Findlay in the single player campaign. (Don't mean to hijack but this news is too small for another topic.)
That's odd because on, http://www.facebook.com/StarCraft The art team has done excellent work upgrading some of the designs for Tychus Findlay in the single player campaign. Suggesting they have finished tweaking?
I'd say it's just a different wording of the same thing. They probably want to keep it more interesting by switching up the word play in each news outlet.
You're probably right. Nevertheless, it's good to know they're still tweaking the Single Player. I was under the impression they had finished the game (and now working on Heart of the Swarm) and were merely waiting for B2.0 to finish.
I could see how you would think that given the news drought but they've demonstrated that they're still working very heavily on the single player and multiplayer as well. There's still content being added to the single player and there's still balancing and tweaks to the multiplayer.
I knew about work in progress on the multiplayer, not single player though. That makes me wonder, do you suppose they will keep working (improving) on the SP until the game is released - or will there be a moment in time when they'll say 'ok, that's it, onto HotS' (besides keeping balancing / tweaking for MP)?
They'll keep working on it until shortly before it goes gold which is a few weeks before you can buy it in stores.
lmfao! Nice to see a batch with some useful info, though. I particularly like how idle units move over for ones that aren't. I hated having to waste time on moving units away from a choke point, before being able to send in new ones. What I wonder about now is: will they move back again after the moving units have passed?
^That's a good point. I'd imagine they wouldn't, but that's just the way I imagine it. I'm curious to see how they play that one out. GET ANOTHER BATCH NOW JUST FOR THAT QUESTION! *j/k...*