Quick question; Seeing as I'm almost completely unfamiliar with programming jargon, are their claims that the editor is able to do anything supported by what you can do with custom scripts or by what you can do with triggers?
As I understand it, the scripts are more or less just a chain of triggers, so I guess the answer to your question would be both. That's not to say I'm savvy with map editing in any way; for all I know I could be making an idiot of myself right now. I suppose it's a good Q&A. I usually think of aesthetics when mapmaking, and leave the programming to friends.
You can give units weird abilities. Karune once gave an example: a roach variant that grows (instead of taking damage) every time it gets nuked, with stat increases. Obviously literally anything isn't possible; there's only so many player slots, and you can add only one more custom resource. But the game is very flexible, since abilities are data driven, meaning you can give any unit whatever ability you feel like. (Don't forget you can make custom units; want 255 different roach variants? Go nuts!)
Um.. not quite. Scripts may or may not activate triggers.. but they can do SO much more than that.. as in, define variables, create objects, define objects.. scripts are everything.. the scripts can see into your miiin THE SCRIPTS CAN SEE INTO YOUR SOUUUUL... God, I have to stop watching charlie the unicorn... anyways, you were pretty wrong about your definitions of scripts, but the answer you gave to the admin guy was ok, I mean, being the scripts the ones that defines and maneuvers the variables, it's improvement will improve the triggers as well. This was the best Q&A I've seen in a WHILE. The only let down is that making a map is gonna take FOREVER, since the map ed has been "proed" a lot.. I guess I would love to ask karune if the maped will be newb friendly, or just programming ammateurs will be able to handle it. I mean, I know lots about programming, but Im kinda lazy D:
Thanks guys, but Kimera, I wasn't asking what could be done with them. I was asking if the power of the editor came from triggers, as in; "Events - Conditions - Actions" ...Or from custom scripts, as in; "//run FICTIONAL integer = real x, real y boolean = T //run ETC."
N00bonic seems to find all the news Reading this made me feel that I will create much more maps in the editor than in the StarCraft 1 editor. That editor was too difficult to use for me sometimes. xP
Nice find. though i do not understand some of the questions very well, i'll be looking forward to check them out :>
Umm.. Dood.. if you think the SC1 editor was hard to use you dont stand a chance at even placing a unit with this one :S
@ Lombar. Not necessarily. StarCraft1 Editor was actually really hard to use, depending on what you wanted to achieve, because there was so much that simply could not be done.
Umm.. Well, yeah.. but look, I managed to emulate the droppods on Sc1 map ed.. now THAT was hard.. and the whole thing of the hexes.. But my point is, the basic stuff is gonna be prob a lil harder to do on the new ed, since it has SO many more options and might overwhelm maped newbcakes.
Well the hard thing for me was to spawn zerglings from dying marines. And somehow my artillery didn't work.
Shouldnt like.. someone (JONEAGLE) edit this, make a quick banner and post it up on the front page? I know it's kinda late.. but it should be kept updated unless the mods wants to fall behind other SC2 fansites..