Starcraft 2 looks like Warcraft III to me. I wish so much that it looked more like Starcraft. The tilted camera angle bugs the hell out of me. And the way the camera sometimes seems to come extremely close to the ground when scrolling across terrain irks me as well. I'm such a huge Starcraft fan, I've played it since it came out, literally. I got it days after its release. but I played it the first time on its release date in '98. It saddens me so deeply; it's like seeing Warcraft IV hit the shelf rather than Starcraft II. But I guess that's what it is. Does this affect anyone the way it does me?
Nope. The camera angle is I'd say the same for Starcraft 1 and Warcraft 3, because it's not level on the ground, or right above them. It's in between.
Its an angle that makes it more realistic and less obvious its a 2D game (in starcraft1), thats the same angle in starcraft2 it appears. Depending on the amount of camera movement you may be able to change it to how you want anyway, pick the exact angle and zoom if its like warcraft3.
what r u talking about? StarCraft 2 looks Fuking Osum!!! the reason Warcraft 3 rly rly RLY wasn't my type of game was... adunno actualy, always when i played with friends in multiplayer it always ended in the same scenario, everyone ran out of gold and had a ton of defence towers left over, so draw. A rly confusing game i'd say. The scenarios were fun though. I do find it weird how the zergling now looks exactly liek a hellhound, but besides that i think it all looks great. Can't w8 for the release.
It seems brighter and friendlier, not so dark and blocky like the old SC. I'll miss the look of the game but because I hadn't played it a lot, I won't be reminiscing too much about it. People will grow accustomed to it, jsut like people who played diablo were put off by d2's looks. I've never played WC though, only seen it. It does look a tad like it, but since Blizzard is the one making all these games, it only seems right to think there will be similarities in appearance between them.
the only "brighter" look of sc2 is most probably the jungle tilesets and some of the really outstanding colour like pink and light green. But i still rkn the game looks orsm.
wow, that must be the noobiest linguistics i have ever seen anyways, i, for one, am glad that blizzard decide to go with a camera system that already proved its worth, instead of experimenting with a new system
why would you rate a game on how it looks? diablo 3 went far enough with fanboys crying for darker scenario, but starcraft 2 looks so polished and awesome that complaining about the camera angle is like crying about getting a black ferrari for christmas when you wanted a red one. its nostalgic and stupid, so just shut up and be happy that blizzard has made such a masterpiece, besides its disappointing "camera-angle".
Maybe through pictures you see it as WCIII. I did at first until I watched video gameplay. It's the fact that starcraft is now running on a 3D engine is why you are comparing to a similar game created by the same creator. Try watching more videos, you'll start to see the difference in unit texture and animations. to duffman: no need to be aggressive yo. It's not like he insulted you.
There are many differences between Starcraft II and Warcraft III. One for example, Warcraft is based around one unit, the hero, while Starcraft actually requires you to think and not just use one unit to win. And seriously, complaining about camera angle? Blizzard probably made it so you can change it. The only reason people are complaining about the graphics of Starcraft II is because they can't accept the colossal amount of change Starcraft is going through.
I am not quite sure what you're talking about. Early on, Blizzard played around with other camera angles, but they've long since set it to match SC1's camera angle exactly. Some of the demos have weird angles, but they're demos. I've played the game, and have to say that, in most respects, including default camera angle, it is exactly like SC1.