Starcraft II Lua Addons

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Feaklespray, May 9, 2010.

Starcraft II Lua Addons

  1. Feaklespray

    Feaklespray Guest

    I think that Starcraft II should have addons via lua coding,

    This would only edit clientside data, meaning you wouldn't be able to cheat.

    What it would be able to do would be to make it so that you could open windows in game that would allow you to manage units, time upgrades, check mineral gathering and consumption, and maybe even edit hot-keys. The possibilities are endless! You could even make an addon that would add units to a number key as they were generated so that you could make huge controllable fleets that grow easily.

    Similar things have been done in Wow and in Garry's mod I don't see why it shouldn't work here.

    What do u guys think?
  2. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    And the drawback of all of this is, it would take up valuable screen real estate. Which you'd need for controlling your armies. And in a 20 minute game there's no time to look at detailed information. On the other hand in a 2-3 hour long raid in WoW with many breaks between fights, it becomes much more useful.
  3. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    Also, your avatar is plain disgusting.
    Thank you.