Starcraft II into stores ASAP. Petition

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by ankkura, Nov 28, 2009.

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Starcraft II into stores ASAP. Petition

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by ankkura, Nov 28, 2009.

  1. ankkura

    ankkura New Member

    Nov 28, 2009
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    I made this petition because I think im not alone with my feeling that its gone long enough.

    In 1999 I entered Bnet for my first time and played SC1. Always from the year 2003 I heard rumours about SC2 and now its gone 6 years and still nothing to play with.

    I believe strongly that Starcraft II is ready to go but blizzard is sitting on it on purpose. They just wanted to milk with wow and wait. If Wow wouldnt have been such a success, starcraft II would have come out year or two ago and we might be seeing starcraft III already.

    We will have died of old age before this game comes.
  2. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Dumb petition.

    I'd like beta to start right this minute, and don't know what's taking so long, but if StarCraft II ended up in stores today, you'd have a game that's incomplete and unbalanced.

    Beta is the real balancing phase; Blizzard would have to at least start it for the game to be the high-quality product people are looking for.
  3. ankkura

    ankkura New Member

    Nov 28, 2009
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    Ok if beta is required then lets go beta now. But dont say dumb. It would still be much more playable in 2010 if they released it today or beta today, compared to it being released in 2010 and then you would have to see what bugs it has and wait another 6 months.

    What I mean is, 10 years is a long time. Bunch of poeple have died because of old age before they get their hands on this game.


    People who played starcraft in 1999 were probably mostly 12-18 years old and today some of them have a family and a job and no time to play some game. Majority of players in sc2 will probably be 15 year olds (because blizzard keeps on pushing the release date) who have never played sc1 so im coming from that viewpoint.

    Directx 19 will probably be out before this game comes and then this game is outdated in every way. Specially in the players section, all former sc1 players are pushing daisies.

    For example left 4 dead came out from nowhere and now it has a sequel year later and it has sold very much.

    admit it blizzard you are lazy. If you are waiting bnet version 2 to come before SC2, then hire some coders you slackers and code the Bnet2 like asap. And a day after that announce sc2!

    edit: i preordered this game year ago..........
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2009
  4. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest


    The reason you care so much is, quite simply, because Blizzard took their time in the past. Let them do their thing or you're going to end up screwing yourself and being disappointed.

    Also, saying they're milking WoW is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. They would make a killing off of releasing a StarCraft or Diablo once a year but still they chose not too. I won't go into it any further because I've written at least a dozen 4096 character posts on this and, quite frankly, I'm tired of giving my time to it.
  5. ankkura

    ankkura New Member

    Nov 28, 2009
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    No, they are lazy. If they are trying to code this game better, then they should hire more coders to do it faster.
  6. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    More coders wouldn't have the effect that you think. I would explain it but it requires a basic knowledge of management.

    I'll just link you to this and leave it at that for now:

  7. ankkura

    ankkura New Member

    Nov 28, 2009
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    Deckard lee: What if internet is closed because of a national emergency, for example next year? Byebye SC2? They are talking about that in the U.S. Senate. I talk about that in the petition text.

    I mean, we could have world war 3, mega swineflu + mutant flu that kills all humans or asteroid could hit. Thats why they should release sc2 now before bnet 2.
  8. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    Yeah, I saw that. I actually broke down into tears laughing. No offense.

    Here. I got one for you. What if the world ends in 2012? Will any of this matter? If we're all going to worry about such things then why stop at StarCraft 2? Why don't we all just stop buildings cities and towns because Yellowstone could erupt at any minute. If World War 3 comes then we're screwed for a while. Hell, the world may never recover. We may go extiinct. Either way, StarCraft 2 is the smallest of your problems. Why in the hell would you even bring this up?
  9. ankkura

    ankkura New Member

    Nov 28, 2009
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    Well it is a problem! Because im a real starcraft fan and I actually want to play this game! Not wait for internet to be closed and to die of old age.

    Internet could really be shut off next year.

    They said there will never be a depression or a recession again in europe if countries join the European Union. Well we joined and we all got into trouble, compared to Switzerland who is not part of EU. (im from finland).
  10. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    I'm with you, man! I'm on my way now to sacrifice myself at the Mayan Temples to the Comet God so that he will carry my soul to Valhala when the world ends!

    (Serious response: I know trolling when I see it. You'll get no more from me.)
  11. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    I get it, you just realized you could die. You are either fifteen or just entering your mid-life crisis.

    Let me ask you this

    "I could be hit by lightning any given second now. Does that mean that Starcraft2 should already have shipped out?"

    If your answer is yes, remember that the statement is true for any-time, any place. Does that mean Blizzard should have shipped it out in 1993?

    Of course people are gonna die in-between game releases, its called passage of time.

    I demand a "let Blizzard take as much time as they want" petition.

    Also, the notion of Blizzard milking WoW is stupid. People can play more then one computer game you know. And Blizzard doesnt earn money per minute. Even better: if people would play slightly less, there would be less weight on the servers, thus less maintenance money. People arent gonna quit an RPG over an RTS. you didnt quit playing starcraft the moment Diablo2 came out did you?

    edit: There is always a crisis. Did books get published early during the Cuba crisis? Did people whine for earlier releases before "Y2K"?
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2009
  12. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    @ijffdrie: Yuo just got trolled, mehn !!!
  13. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Well there goes any credibility you still had out of the window. I'm not going to waste much words on this, since all has been said already.

    What I will add is this: why do people keep stating when Starcraft 1 was released? It's not as if Wings of Liberty has been under development for over a decade already. It's a stupid argument to keep mentioning such things.

    Besides, Blizzard has proven by now that taking their time has proven to be an effective method of delivering excellent games to everybody all over the world.

    Lastly, the game has been under development for about 4 years now, assuming that the game was already under development when it was released back in '07. World of Warcraft was under development for, if I remember correctly, 6 years. I hear nobody complaining about that now.

    Enough said.
  14. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    [SIZE=+6]5 Total Signatures

  15. ankkura

    ankkura New Member

    Nov 28, 2009
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    Those 5 signatures are the people still alive from sc1 era.

    Yesterday there were 7 people left but Uncle Joe died yesterday from a heart attack at the age of 89 years. He was very good with protoss. He started to play at an early age of 14 years.

    The other one, Mr Gray, well he had euthanasia with an electric wheelchair that was rigged to go 50 miles per hour and he rode it to the freeway. He was 91 years old. He was too very good with protoss. But since he had bad parkinsons disease, he decided he cant wait for SC2 anymore. So he decided to take his wheelchair to the freeway, infront of a truck.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2009
  16. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    C'mon guys. How can you not see through this obvious troll attempt?

    Also, I was alive and addicted to StarCraft when it was first release and, needless to say, I did not sign this "petition".

    EDIT: Hahahaha, I just read the above post. This was a half way decent troll attempt. There's very, very, very, very few here. This is nothing close to the quality found at GameFAQs,, or SCLegacy but at least it's something for here.
  17. ankkura

    ankkura New Member

    Nov 28, 2009
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    im not a troll, get that through your head.
    there are things called differences of opinion.

    understand? what i wrote above was a joke.

    do uou in IRL call a person a "Troll" of je tells a joke? No. (unless he has big ears and turns to stone when sunshine hits).
  18. ronin2011

    ronin2011 New Member

    Mar 26, 2009
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    ahahahahahahahaahahaahah euthanasia with an electric wheelchair..!! ahahahahaahaha
    freakin awesomeness

    edit: (unless he has big ears and turns to stone when sunshine hits). haahahahahaahahahahaahahaahaha
    OOOHhhhhhhhh my chest hurts!!!!!!
  19. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Well that Parkinson's disease comment pushed me over the edge to damage his rep for a bit. That's probably the fastest anybody got negative around here.

    Don't mess with that stuff. Seriously.
  20. ronin2011

    ronin2011 New Member

    Mar 26, 2009
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    It's called black humor. I my self have a grandpa with an early stage parkinson but this is a joke.
    If you can't take one, just don't read it. Seriously.
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