As StarCraft II's beta approaches, Blizzard has reached out to the fansites for some exclusive Q&A sessions. This week Team Liquid's questions were answered by Karune. And just to assure the readers, the Q&A was confirmed by Karune as well. The batch is rather interesting and has three or four kicker questions, including discussion about tiered upgrades for units in comparison to StarCraft 1 (very interesting discussion here regarding the similarities) and a few fluff questions tossed in as usual. But congrats to TL on questions 3, 4, and 5. Make sure to head over to and read the full batch! Source:, Discuss this article in the Forum!
Jon do you want me to post a thread along with my posting of a article so that we may start the discussing right away and the confusion of another topic being created doesnt happen??
hmm, its an ok batch, but what I really like is Question 3, it very nice to see that they are keeping those life or death armor or attack upgrades in mind. what I also notice from it is that the Colossus have the attack power of 40 again. so people would probable stop complaining about that now.
The only thing that really concerns me is how much they can mess with melee maps, because people could do some tricky things to try and get an advantage, but I guess that's possible anyways in regular starcraft if they just make the base areas different.
To anybody worried about question 8: don't worry. User generated maps won't count in your wins and losses. This is how it is in Warcraft 3, and it works very well. Currently in WC3 you have 2 options, Ladder games (which come in all forms, from 1v1, random 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, and arranged team 2v2, 3v3, 4v4) which only use Blizzard approved maps, and Custom Maps which are any map hosted by a player and not by Blizzard. I am sure that the Ladder in SC2 will work much the same. The only problem now with Ladder in WC3 is that a) not enough people play and b) good players get too high of an ELL (the formula Blizzard uses to find your best opponent) and can't find a game. Hopefully SC2 will be able to solve those problems. In SC2 I anticipate 3 options: Ladder and Custom Maps just like WC3, but also an additional option that lets you play any SC2 melee map, not just the Ladder approved ones, and it also won't count against your win/loss totals.