Pssht, yeah right. With D3 being on the back burner like it is, It'd be lucky to make a release for Christmas of 2012. Not that that's a bad thing, mind you - if Blizzard did shoot for a 2011 release, I'd be a tad nervous over the quality of the end product.
Why do people keep saying such things? Blizzard releases aren't just any ol' releases. They need community feedback during the development process and you can't get that with an unannounced game.
I think Aurora's point was more to the effect of "Blizzard bit off more than they could chew." We all know by now how important community feedback is; it's a good opportunity for the devs to step back and get another's point of view. However, nobody has infinite patience, so the feedback inevitably dwindles to "Give us the god-damned game already!" Supahboih's comment is case-in-point, possible sarcasm aside (no offense Supah).
We are now aware of 4 D3 classes. Nobody expected that game in 2010. Remember how long we had to wait for the Zerg button on the official site to light up? Once we know what all the classes are gonna be, then I'd give it about another year until release.
The good thing about it is that they will give you a chance to enjoy the game before the world gets obliterated in 2012.
Never, that's the exact answer ... No, 2012 will be a normal year even if we get eclipsed by the end.
They announced it when they were still in really early alpha. All there was to it was drooling over some unit models. I can't really call that wanting feedback. It's just creating a hype. An announcement at a Blizzcon with the game a bit further into development would have been much more satisfying then all this waiting. And a bit more teasers for the story would be welcome right about now, as all the gameplay has been discussed to death. You'd expect Blizzard to care a bit more about the story. Especially with all those people bashing the turn WoW took. :/
Yes, Blizzard should provide the official SC2 site with new infos about other units and structures. Or give us a new BR.
I trully don't believe in a new BR.. Cause if we see beta in late januar it would be too early even till then for a new BR...
All right. So why not the characteristics of another unit ? How long haven't they provided us with infos like this ?
You remember the public outcry over the graphics, certain animations, and units? Yeah. Everything I've said is true. All you have to do is think back to 2007 and imagine all of that still happening right now. They would have to change those things and it would further delay the game.