Someone else handle this. I'm tired English version 1. Dustin said on BlizzCast #8 that the Banshee is a very powerful air-ground unit vs. ground defenses. What are the chances of Banshees against ground units? For example is it equal 5 Banshees against 5 Stalkers or the Banshees have to run if they notice Stalkers. Yes, the Banshee can be a very strong anti-ground air unit but it is definitely not unstoppable. For example, Marines and Thors can be great ground counter units for Terran and Hydralisks for Zerg are also good. And just like the example in the question, Stalkers with blink ability and High Templars with psionic storm can be counter Banshees as well. 2.Zerg can move and regenerate faster on creep. Terrans have medivac, the mechanical units can be fixed by SCV. Do you think that is a good idea for Protoss to regenerate shields faster when they are near pylons? Protoss currently has the Shield Battery ability on the Obelisk, which recharges the shield of the target friendly unit or area. This is an active ability that drains energy from the obelisk, but is a similar concept to the one suggested. My thoughts: I'm not talking about all of them just a few. #4. I really wish they would do this, and they did That would be really great, except I probably wouldnt with the really good players, my screen would be going wild ;D #5. Best way that I could think of, I believe they did that in w3. #8. I am sure that the reason this question was asked, was because in the battle reports, the colossus seemed weak and inferior even too a few units. Especially when it tried to harass attack the lifted off base on the terran BR #2 I believe. I think it would be good idea just to use the colossus's ramp step over ability. Get 3 and destroy there economy. Anyway, have a nice nap noob XD
Sniper, you realize that posting the information directly on our site takes away publicity from, right? I'm pretty sure that's considered rude. Nothing too interesting in this batch. It seems like all fansite Q&A's ever have is questions that have been answered ages ago. It's good to get updates on the status of things and all, but I find it lazy on Blizzard's part to answer questions barely worth asking in the first place.
Sniper, just a heads up, a good way to do it is to post the first few items, then have a link to the page. That way we get interested and the website still gets those hits. Everyone's happy!