Starcraft FF - Idea & Concept

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by BehindTheMask, Aug 30, 2010.

Starcraft FF - Idea & Concept

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by BehindTheMask, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. BehindTheMask

    BehindTheMask New Member

    Aug 30, 2010
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    Recently I've begun working with the idea of a FanFiction...

    The concept I'm developing is somewhat alt. history:

    Following the Brood War, Kerrigan is preparing her purge of the remaining Zerg Cerebrates to make her rule of the swarm absolute. Daggoth, who is still alive, struggles to maintain his control of his brood and continue the work of the Overmind.

    As he contemplates escape and continuation, his brood captures a small Terran fleet; Daggoth has figured a way to increase his mobility. Now that his brood has shrunk, he no longer needs the bloated worm like body of a cerebrate, he instead can infest a terran and maintain control over his brood from that body.

    The twist is that the terran vessel he captured was fleeing Dominion airspace; the terran Daggoth chooses to infested is in fact the Magistrate of Starcraft I.

    Not is all lost for the Magistrate however, Daggoth proves to be resourceful and quite willful since the Overmind died; though infested the Magistrate is allowed a bodily will, Daggoth inhabits the body and uses it as his center for controlling his zerg, the Magistate remains largely capable of continuing on his own will but this symbiosis allows for a strange new evolution of the swarm.

    The new Brood is a mixture of Terran and Zerg, beyond simple infestation; the Infested Terrans continue to pilot their fleets, and these 'infested battlecruisers' prove the first example of regnerative bio-steel. the new Brood becomes a somewhat mercenary force, as Kerrigan pulls back to Char the Magistrate continues his own low key revolts against Mengsk while Daggoth continues to evolve and expand in hope of one day restoring his master, the Overmind.

    Now I know this may sound stupid; but I'm really trying to form new personalities to Daggoth and the Magistrate and expand the realms of infestation beyond a simple parasitic bond into a more mutual relationship where both profit in that both come closer to their goals.

    Alot of what I've explained is vague and I only came up with this base idea recently, but any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.

    Also, if you'd like I could expand on some of my ideas and evolutions of the zerg brood under daggoth and the new possibilities opened up.
  2. 1n5an1ty

    1n5an1ty Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    Ooooo very nice....
    Nope no ideas :D cya laters :)
  3. BehindTheMask

    BehindTheMask New Member

    Aug 30, 2010
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    Thanks for the reply; I know my ideas are a bit unorganized at the moment but hopefully I'll fix that soon enough.

    One idea I had for this new brood was a series of modifications to existing zerg strains; one of my ideas involves a s combining of units.

    An evolution to Daggoths Ultralists also serves as one to his Hydralisks; the strains are combined with a number of Hydras latching onto the Ultralisks carapace. The evolution transforms the Ultralisk into a mobile bunker, the Hydralisks are given an elevated platform and protection from most infantry while they fire their spines and the Ultralisk is given extra-protection, especially from air based units.

    Its a simple concept, practical I feel, and it would serve to lengthen the livespan of both the Ultralisk and Hydralisk Parasitesl though it comes at a high dollar value.
  4. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Maybe you could combine the overlord with something? I've always thought they needed more ----lord unit names. Like Underlord. Or Savagelord. Or something.
  5. BehindTheMask

    BehindTheMask New Member

    Aug 30, 2010
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    I've actually considered some stuff along those lines but I'm still having some problems along those lines.

    Perhaps a Spire Lord, a special unit evolved at a Greater Spire; its special ability could be an Acidic Enzyme Rain (if I were to write the Mantis Screamers as having used it for digestive purposes) the Rain, when first cast drifts down in a sorta mist inflicted heavy damage on anything that passes through, and when the 'rain' stops a pool remains for 30 secs (game time) that when a unit walks do does 1/3 of the orignal damage.

    The Spire Lord could alternatively act as a close combat air unit; that is when it gets close it attaches to an air unit and does continous damage. When it is shot that ammount of damage is also inflicted on the attached unit, so long as the other unit has more live then the Spire Lord it should survive so long as it is killed immediately. In a way this makes it a kamikaze unit, perhaps an advanced replacement for the Scourge.

    When attached the Spire Lord cannot be attacked by the unit it is latched upon.

    Just an idea, heh actually came up with that one on the spot.
  6. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Spire Lord. Hmmm. Sounds more like a large, flying zerg monstrosity. Kinda like a mobile Overmind. Which kinda sorta fits with your story.