i thought i already created this thread, but i can not find it anywhere so ill post it again you know chuck norris facts, like chuck norris has a third fist under his beard? we are gonna do that for SC characters(although i cant think of any right now?)
Only Mengsk can divide by zero. Mengsk differs from Superman only one thing - he doesn't wear pants on trousers. Mengsk counted to infinity. Twice. There is no theory of evolution.There are beings, which Mengsk let exist.
Welcome to the forum Tetra Cerata. Your avatar made my day. Arcturus Mengsk got laid before his father. If you have five minerals, and Jim Raynor has five minerals, Jim Raynor has more minerals than you. Kerrigan can kill two stones with one bird. Zeratul can slam a revolving door.
In soviet SC2 zerglings perform player rushes Mutalisks can't fly, they stay in the air because the ground runs away so fast