StarCraft Dictionary!

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by PKZeppelin, Nov 5, 2007.

StarCraft Dictionary!

  1. PKZeppelin

    PKZeppelin New Member

    Oct 18, 2007
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    StarCraft Dictionary (by


    3/3 - Fully upgraded, as in 3 Attack upgrades/3 defense upgrades. Similarly, 1/1, 2/2, or even 3/3/3 for Protoss.

    4-Pool - A rush where a Zerg player does not build any Drones before going for a Spawning pool. As soon as the spawning pool is up the Zerg players rushes the enemy.

    All-In - An all-or-nothing strategy, where the player either wins off the play or fails it and falls far behind in the game. All-in rushes can include builds such as 4/5 Pool Zerg rush or a Terran MnM/Bunker/SCV rush.

    BGH - Usually refers as the 'Big Game Hunters' map made by Blizzard from the existing map 'The Hunters', it is the first and only map made by Blizzard that has virtually unlimited resources.

    The Bisu Build - A variation of the Sair/DT PvZ opening popularized by the Protoss player Bisu, the player would do a Forge first expand, skip Weapon upgrades first and take second gas early, followed by a simultaneous Stargate/Citadel tech into mass Corsairs, DT harass, followed by mass Gateway macro gameplay using the Corsairs and DTs to constantly pressure the Zerg.

    Build Order - The sequence of building in the early game, this is the opening "instructions". Build orders are usually documented by Supply count + Building unit, so "9 Pool" would mean Spawning Pool at 9 Drones, 12 Hatch 11 Pool means a Hatchery at 12/18, and then a Spawning Pool at 11/18.

    Cannon Rush - Going fast Forge, building a Pylon within range of your opponent's main or natural minerals and then warping Cannons inside the opponent's base (usually behind the mineral lines). This is commonly accompanied by more blocking Pylons so that enemy units can't get to the Cannons easily.

    Cheese - An unconventional and unexpected strategy that is usually risky, but hopes to win by an element of surprise. It's "cheesy" as the player chooses not to play a standard game and opts to push the game in another direction. Cheese can be but does not need to be all-in, although failing a cheese opening usually puts the player behind in terms of economy. A common example of cheese would be various proxy builds.

    Cliffing - dropping tanks on a cliff to attack the enemy from above, mainly their base.

    Contain - Keeping the opponent pinned down in an area of the map and unable to expand to other locations, while the container is free to expand and take map control. To get out of a 'contain' is to "break" a 'contain.'

    Doom Drop - Dropping a large number of units in the opponent's base.

    Drop - To use the Dropship, Shuttle or Overlord to air-drop units.

    DT Wall - Using one or several Dark Templar to hold position on a choke point, denying the enemy entry until he can bring detection

    En Taro *insert name here* - In Honor of *Insert name here*. This term is widely used by Protoss to address their most revered heroes within the Protoss race, two of the important Protoss characters that was widely revered by the Protoss race was Adun and Tassadar. Thus this is why many Protoss people widely use the term "En Taro Adun/Tassadar" when they address to the player.

    Expand - To take another resource node outside of your main base. Can be shortened to "expo". The nearest expansion site to your main base is often referred to as the "natural" or "nat" expansion, while expansions with no gas geysers are known as "mineral only" expansions. A "fast expand" is to sacrifice tech speed and early unit count for a stronger economy in the long run, and is commonly used in certain match-ups while very risky in others.

    Gas the Opponent - To "gas" the opponent is to build your Assimilator/Refinery/Extractor over the opponent base's geyser so that he cannot get early gas. Protoss Probes are best equipped to do this. By gassing an opponent, you deny him tech and usually force him to play a different game from the conventional. Usually, a very fast scouting worker must be sent to be able to gas the opponent before he starts his own gas building. Depending on the situation, the player may choose to cancel the gas building or let it finish to delay the opponent further, but lose the minerals.

    GG - An abbreviation that means good game. Said at the end of a game as a sign of good sportsmanship.

    Gundam Rush/Push - an opening utilized by Terran employing 2 Factory build order with a single add-on leading to 4 Marines, 1 Tank, 1-2 Vultures with mines, and couple SCVs striking the Protoss base; strong vs fast Observers BO, and relatively weak vs. 2 Gateway BO.

    Heavy Metal - When terran makes nothing but units from the factory. Vult, Gol, Tanks.

    Hidden Tech - Protoss and Terran can hide their tech choices by making tech buildings in obscure and usually un-scouted areas in order to surprise the enemy. Zerg has a much harder time doing this as their creep limits their build space.

    Hunters - Usually refers as the 'The Hunters' map, the hunters is also the precursor for the Big Game Hunters map

    Joyo build - 2 Factories with add-ons (Vulture speed and mines upgrades), 2 Tanks -> Vultures + a couple of Marines.

    Lurkerling - A mid-to-late game unit combination usually employed against Terran and sometimes Protoss, going Lurkers to contain with Zergling support. Usually joined by Defiler tech once Hive kicks in.

    Manner Pylon - Trapping/slowing enemy workers by placing a Pylon in the enemy mineral line

    Maynard - To "maynard" is to move your workers from a saturated mining site to a newly constructed one, so that the new expansion can start working right away (as only one worker can mine from one mineral patch anyway, it's not beneficial to have too many workers at one mining site either).

    Mutaling - A mid-game unit combination harassing with Mutalisks in the air and Zerglings on the ground.

    Muta Stack - Air units clump together if there is a unit in their control group that is out of the screen (or an area in the screen). By grouping Mutalisks with a far away Overlord, the Zerg player can easily keep the Mutalisks neatly stacked to spread out damage done to them while making sure all their shots can hit the same target resulting in kills.

    nat - Natural, the expansion closest to your starting position. It is generally very easy to defend and allows for Fast Expansion's.

    Nuke - A term on preparing a nuke missile at the Missile silo add-on at the command center and training a Ghost along with the cloak upgrade. Nukes are generally used either as a Harass weapon or a terror weapon against enemies since launching a nuke usually distract the player's attention to look for the red dot around the map and kill the ghost that works as a spotter on where the nuke will land.

    Owned - To lose by a great margin

    Probe Jump - Used to get past mineral walls with probes. This can either be done with 2 probes, one mining the patch and the other pushing past the first, or using 1 probe to build a pylon behind it while mining so that the pylon pushes the probe past the mineral wall. This can also be done with probes and a small unit.

    Proxy - Short for proximity, this means you sneak a structure near the opponent's base and out of sight in an attempt to surprise him with something he will not expect you to have, or to apply heavy pressure early by shortening unit travel time to the opponent's base.

    Push - To "push out" and gain ground with your units, usually with the aim of containing your opponent.

    Pwned - To lose by a great margin [See Owned].

    Pylon wall - Another variation of the wall-in that can be executed since Pylons are easily laid down anywhere. Many Pylons are warped in to block-off a choke, usually that of a new expansion so raids such as Vulture raids will be slowed down buying time for your army to defend the expansion.

    Reaver Drop - Dropping Reavers on enemy supply lines to wipe out groups of workers.

    Rush - A commonly-used but loosely defined term, rushes can mean either making an unusually early attack, or to rush to a high-tech unit in order to gain an advantage. Examples of the first could include builds like 9 Pool Speedlings rush, a proxy Gateway/Barracks rush, or even an SCV/Bunker/MnM rush while examples of the second could include a Dark Templar rush or a Carrier rush. Rushes do not need to be all-in, but usually puts the player at some kind of risk as a failed early rush puts the player behind in economy while a tech rush that gets spotted can be easily pressured.

    Sair/DT - A PvZ opening, pumping Corsairs to Overlord hunt while using several Dark Templars to harass Zerg expansions that have no Overlord in them due to the Corsairs

    Sair/Reaver - A PvZ strategy that deviates from the usual Zeal/Goon/Templar tech ground force, the Protoss player pumps Corsairs, Shuttles, Reavers and later Templar tech using Corsair + Disruption Web and Shuttle/Reaver micro to harass the Zerg. Considered an advanced strategy as it takes a heavy degree of multitasking and micro abilities.

    Scout - This can refer to the Protoss Scout unit, but is more commonly used to mean scouting the opponent for information on his tech choices, unit count, expansion count, and position of army. Effective scouting allows for the player to make accurate decisions to counter the opponent's gameplay, and is a key component of any high-level game.

    Shuttle/Reaver - A common combination, using Shuttles to make up for the horrible mobility of Reavers and drop/load the Reavers to minimize damage to the Reavers while damaging the enemy.

    Silver's Monty Hall Build - Pioneered by the progamer Silver, this ZvT build takes advantage of Monty Hall's mineral lines to tech to Guardians incredibly quickly and support them with Hydralisks to overpower the Terran. Done with a proxy 12 Hatch at the opponent's center natural, either a 3rd hatch at own nat or pool first, sunken up the proxy hatch to prevent SCVs from mining it away, and then powering economy and abusing mineral wall defense to rush to Mutalisks and then to hive and Guardians with Hydra support.

    Split - The act of sending all four of your starting workers to four different mineral patches. A fast and good split brings in the resources quicker in the early game.

    Slow Drop - Researching drop tech before Overlord speed, and surprising the opponent with a much earlier-than-usual drop into his main. Best done in certain map positions, and somewhat risky if spotted.

    Speedling Rush - An early attack with speedlings to hurt the opponent's economy. This is either through a very early pool + gas to get a group of speedlings at fast as possible at the cost of economy, relying on ling micro to disrupt the opponent. Alternatively, one could 3 hatch and pump lings to attack later with a large force of speedlings, once again at the cost of mid-game economy but less so than a 9 pool.

    Storm Drop - Dropping High Templars on enemy supply lines and using Psionic Storm to wipe out groups of workers.

    Swarm Push - Using Dark Swarms to force a Terran opponent back.

    Temple - Usually refers as the 'Lost Temple' map made by Blizzard, it is still one of the most popular ladder map played by SC players.

    Ultraling - A late game unit combination involving fully upgraded Ultralisks along with Cracklings. Ultralisks soak up damage and cause havoc, while Zerglings deal their insanely efficient DPS under Ultralisk cover.

    Wall-In - Generally means to block off a choke point or a ramp with buildings to slow ground forces and scouts from breaking through. Terran is well-equipped to do this by blocking the choke/ramp with a combination of Supply Depots/Barracks to stop the scout, and then simply lifting off the Barracks and opening the way when the wall-in is no longer needed. To "wall-in" something can also mean to intentionally place buildings to block unit movement, either offensively to prevent reinforcements, or even accidentally when poor building placement leads to your own units being stuck and "walled in."

    Zealot Bomb - Dropping Zealots onto Spider Mines and pulling the spider mines into the Terran formation to cause splash damage to Terran units.

    Zealot Rush -Another popular rush attempted by Protoss players. It starts with a fast gateway and begins production of early zealots and sending them towards enemy bases, usually the common focus on zealot rushes are worker kill attempt such as SCV/Probes/Drones.

    Zergling Rush - a popular rush attempt by Zerg race with going for a fast spawning pool and a 2nd Hatchery and attempts on overwhelm a enemy with zerglings in masses, very common in attempts on killing worker units such as SCV/Probes/Drones.


    200/200 - Maxed supply cap.
    arb - Arbiter
    arb - arbiter
    bats - firebats
    BB - Usually refers as the 'Blood Bath' map made by Blizzard
    BCs - Battlecruisers
    cannon - Photon Cannon
    car - carrier
    CC - command center
    CCMU - Cannot Create More Units
    chobo - noob
    core - Cybernetics Core
    Crackling - Zergling with anabolic upgrade (Speed/Attack).
    DA - dark archon
    den - Hydralisk Den
    DPS- damage per second
    DT - Dark Templar
    dweb - Disruption Web
    evo - Evolution Chamber
    fac - factory
    FE - fast expansion (build a second CC very early)
    gate - Gateway
    gol - goliath
    goon - Dragoon
    gosu - pro
    guard - Guardian
    hat/hatch - Hatchery
    HT/temp - High Templar
    hydra - Hydralisk
    Ling - zergling
    Lots - Zealots
    LT - Lost Temple
    MC - mind control
    mm - marines and medics
    MMF - Marines Medics Firebats
    MnMs - marines and medics
    muta - Mutalisk
    obs - observe/Observer
    OL/ovy/Ovies - Overlords
    pool - Spawning Pool
    port - starport
    river - reaver
    robo - Robotics Facility
    Sair -- corsair
    speedling - Zergling with speed upgrade
    speedlot - zealot with speed upgrade
    spore - Spore Colony
    Stim - Stim Picks
    storm - Psionic Storm
    stormer - high templar
    sunk/sunken - Sunken Colony
    swarm - Dark Swarm
    ultra - Ultralisk
    Ultraling - zerglings and ultralisks
    UMS - Use Map Settings
    Valks - Valkyries
    vult - vulture
    Z - Zealot
    zeal - Zealot
    Zeal - zealots
    zlots - Zealots

    Source :

    Bonus 400 minerals for a New Thread of Relative Interest
  2. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    Red Bluff, CA
    you forgotten hydra-lurk strat and i disagree that the zergs have a harder time with confusing the enemies, since their buildings does not show any changes when they tech, they could build something, or starts to build something, that they are not gonna use and let the opponet see it before killing the scout. but beside that its all good. :powerup:
  3. PKZeppelin

    PKZeppelin New Member

    Oct 18, 2007
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    Oh, thanks for power up, but for my shame, I just copy-pasted from source and edited a little ::) :-X
  4. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    Red Bluff, CA
    still, with a little more work it can be better than that source, theres so many strats out there, and a few abbreviations that is not in the source.
  5. -LT-

    -LT- New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Thanks man!
    There is my name! LT - Lost Temple :D
  6. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    England, United Kingdom
    Thanks! this is great!
  7. GrahamTastic

    GrahamTastic Member

    Jul 31, 2007
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    lol thats awesome. I play SC on B.Net quite a bit and haven't heard too many of those though. SOME are very familiar though. (cannon rush, BGH, ...pwned {lol})
  8. IO

    IO New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    I know... some of them.... however thank you for enlightening me on some of the less known ones.
  9. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Uranus lol =D
    I dont; play starcraft and I hate dictionaries.
    Two hated things in the same place...yet soemhow I read it all...and it didn;t make my eyes bleed or my head hurt! Very nice! Thank you!
  10. josh

    josh New Member

    Jul 12, 2007
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    In Our House
    Even better than the first dictionary thread that was a here a few months ago. Well done. :)
  11. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    kenny=team that gets pwned alot that somehow always makes a comeback
    n00b: someone who downloads from this site rofl at item stealing
    haxxor: people who say this:
    i beat the internet
    the end guy is hard
    weirdo: he got high, and then wandered into the building where the SC2 Dev team are meeting.

    Then when they found him they stole his money, and then let him play Zerg so they could laugh at him tripping out.
  12. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Uranus lol =D
    yesh, but you forgot one xD
    a girl gamer=everyone laughs at them until the pWn 90% of the male gamers, who then cry that they could be defeated by a girl. Generally good at pWning everyone, even themselves.

    Oh right, these ones, too.
    newb=a person who needs to use hax to win. [not to be mistaken for n00b]
    1337=a pompus and arrogant individual who is known as the "god" of a game until agirl kicks his ass whereas he turns him into a newb.
  13. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i think you are a girl
  14. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Uranus lol =D
    Oh really?
  15. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    girl gamer= very attractive because i can relate to them
  16. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Uranus lol =D
    Oh really?
    Men try to pull that all the time. :p
  17. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    girl gamer attractive because i can relate to them, but somehow they always wind up hurting me(ouch my arms, left leg, back and crotch)
  18. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Uranus lol =D
    Awww, poor kid.
    I maim many a men. Especially cuz I'm not attractive and dun have to live up to any standards :D