Look, in the first three battle reports we saw all the possible 1v1 combinations (Zerg vs Terran, Terran vs Protoss, Protoss vs Terran). However in all of these matches, the Zerg did not win one match. I dont like staged matches, and I don't want one but I would love to see a match where Zerg vs. Anyone in a 1v1 like the Battle Reports where the Zerg actually WINS. So we can see their strengths more of; not just how they lose and such.
You made my heart miss a beat when i saw "Starcraft 2 battle report 4"...then i scrolled down a tiny bit more and cried =( Srsly i agree with you i really want to see the zerg win a match. Hopefully next report they are able to show off the roach tunneling ability and stage it to be "omg look we've given the zerg new stuff and now they can actually win!" I'm also hoping the next one will be a slightly longer game which isn't just grappling with tier 1-1.5 units for half the game then carrying it with tier 2
Want to see the zerg win a match? Make David Kim play nothing but zerg for awhile. Eventually Blizzard will get a good Battle Report out of that.
But they already decided to nerf David Kim, so that's really going to be impossible now. Our last hope is for Yeon-ho to get some korean juices flowing and win as a zerg in the next match. But most likely I think that when they do give us new BRs it will be starting with a TvT & PvP, before a ZvZ match. This thread just reminded me of how frustrating it is to see zerg defeated during those BRs and 2v2 matches. (I also think that the Zerg player D.Kims team in round 2 of 2v2 match isn't that impressive with his showmanship, only making zerglings and hydralisks to finish a highly anticipated match) Still, it was a good match.... for the winners.
Actually, I'm pretty sure that Blizzard will choose a game where Zerg wins for the next Battle Report if there will be one, since everybody is begging for it, and people would whine horribly if the Zerg didn't win or if there wouldn't be Zerg. That kinda ruins some excitement.
One question : have the Zerg lost because they are weak ? So the balance of the game is to be explained.
Blizzard does internal testing. They believe the zerg tier two is really weak. This has been stated in a lot of interviews. Right now, all Battle Reports are 15-20 minutes, so they all go into the weak zerg period. Also, the zerg player is always the less experienced player. Zerg macro is plain harder (the zerg player always gets out macroed, which is more important than micro). Finally, the zerg always do well in early game (surround + banelings), but if the zerg won an early game, that is too short to show as a Battle Report. So I think it's a combination of zerg being weak in a longer game, Battle Reports always being longer games, and the zerg player always being weaker (the latter is basically change; David Kim is perfectly capable of playing zerg).
That's a point that I noticed too what you are saying Kimera757. The Zerg are strong in the beginning of a game and get overwhelmed later in the game. I can say that the Protoss are very weak in the beginning of a game but are powerful later in the game. The Terran are balanced. This point I am writing states the situation right now for SC2. But this exact fact existed already 11 years ago with SC1. When you play with this game you notice the same situation. That's why when a player uses the Zerg he immediately rush at the beginning not to get overwhelmed later. A chance that now the team is testing a long time to improve the game.
id like to see a Z v P on say a ridge of heart break or any of the popular sc1 maps without those damm watch towers.. Id like to see any 1v1 on any sc1 map..... without those damm towers..
This was stated by official blizzard lips..! This was posted over a week but still nothing and.. ...if you check now it is gone... I have told it before and I will tell this again.. Blizzard doesn't give a **** about us...
Lay off the sauce, man. Blizzard said in their own podcast that localization is what takes the most time. It's your fault for being ignorant of this that has gotten your hopes up; not Blizzard. Also, I've been hesitant to post this due to the language barrier lulz but since Noobonic's going around posting it, I might as well do it before him: http://translate.google.com/transla...14393480&sid=3005&sl=ko&tl=en&history_state0=
Yes.. It's my fault not knowing that blizzard needs 2 weeks+ (till now) to localize (translate a transcript) something that others would do in an hour MAX... Why I believe is that delaying everything that has to do with a product's informations is dealying the actual product. Which of course works in favour of the company's interests...