Surprisingly amidst the beta blizzard has released a new story titled Broken Wide by Cameron Dayton on the StarCraft 2 Website i have not had enough time to read and summarize the story, but it looks pretty meaty as its 6 pages long, if your forte is the lore and meat and potatoes that make up the StarCraft 2 Universe, This story is for you! Check It out at the StarCraft 2 Website.
Ok I read all 6 pages of it. And it's a really nice read. And below is a summarices version of what ti says for those not so interested in lore. But for those who are interested I would read it. it was a very nice read. But I would recommend not to watch the video on the first page of the story till after you have read all 6 pages of the story. Because I think it's a little too revealing about the story. Spoiler The 6 pages here are basically an interview between a Captain and a female private of the medic corps. And she is describing her experiences and discoveries she made on how Zerg actually do in a way biological experiments on themselves. And these particular experiments were the Zerg trying to perfect the baneling. Well I think it's the baneling, it doesn't exactly say this but you can gather it from what is being said there. I used spoiler tags just so the real lore junkies can read it first to try and understand it on their own without reading the summarised version (or cheat cheet) till afterwards.
Now that was a great story. I love how Blizzard adds these little stories to fill out the canon of their universe a tiny bit.
Yeah, it´s a great story, nice to both get some more on the lore side, and see possible charecters And no, i don´t think Private Ayers will make an appearance. Sidenote: All three stories have been six pages, with a video. So you know what to expect of the fourth