Hello, My name is Grant, I manage a few websites, gaming leagues, a couple of video gaming tubes and just recently my partner and I have come to think, its time to expand to you people - Starcraft players. I've come to this community to day to ask a few questions, gathering some information that if implemented into this project will be mainly beneficial to you. I don't want to reveal the domain, nor the actual name of the project I have lined up just yet, that would give away too much. What would make a great Starcraft and Starcraft 2 Video Site for you? Is it usability? How fast the page loads, how it looks? HD options? This project is aimed at providing you, the starcraft players, the best video portal for Starcraft and Starcraft 2 videos. I have a few secret features that have already been suggested by previous Starcraft/2 Players i've asked, I won't reveal those today as I want new ideas. I also hope to be in talks with the owner starcraft2forums.org to reserve you guys a special advertising spot free of charge, if the community can help build this video site project up. I can promise you, its going to be great! Best regards, it will be nice meeting you lot! Grant
Most important: Quality! Videos have to be in HD since i don't want to look at some blurry motion. HD helps to see small details. Of Course Commentators are important, too. I couldn't watch the best match ever when the commantator ****s me up and i rage quit after a minute or so! What would be nice is a search feature. Maybe grouping the Videos into: "PvT" "ZvT" "PvZ" - so if you look for an improvement as any race against a certain other, you could simply look for replays in that section. Also, basic guides would be nice. Not everyone out there is a pro.
i meant it more like: "Most people are beginners who get frustrated early on and therefor there should be a guideline for them"..... I mean, most sites start at 100% - do this, than that. Build a rax, work on your macro.... Beginners don't know **** about that! They don't even have a clue what it means. I'd like to see a good beginners guide to SC2......
We can make a category tutorials? That may help? HD will deffinetly be an option before we release this site. Thanks for your feedback so far, Do you know who I need to contact in order to get this site publicized on starcraft2forum when it is finished? I can assure you its not one of these wannabe video sites, we mean real business. There will be no limit on video time, nor upload size..said too much already ...edit out* It can wait until the launch
Nice! Try contacting the mods and admins on this site. Most important is categorization. Games involving popular build orders and their counters by different races (e.g. MMM counters for Zerg and Protoss) should be listed and easily accessible. In these cases, you don't need to include replays from leagues below Platinum. While you might be trying to reach players in all leagues, the important thing is getting the concepts out, which can be shown more effectively by the better players. These tactics and strats can be used by lower league players as well. GL!
This sounds like a great idea! Hopefully it catches on. Yeah, tutorial videos and stuff like that for new players would be great. Also, it would be nice to maybe even include tutorials on how to cast your own games? Ex. what kind of software you'd want to get (and which ones are better than others) and tips on casting in general (there could be a lot of undiscovered talent out there that we don't know about lol).