As you have noticed, The Terran have new technologies with them? Do you think that after the BroodWar, Terran Engineers reversed engineered some of the Protoss technology they found and inculcated it to their race?
Actually, this "theory" is already feasible... For example, it is said that Ghosts became more powerful, right..? I think it would be due to Terran technological advancements or learnings/salvage from Protoss technologies... I also remember two things: one, the terrans have been using terrazine gas (ghost-related) and two, they've began messing with statis fields and the sort (broodwar secret mission)... what does everyone else think of this..? :-\
Those were stasis cells. Terrans sorta had those down already before they met the protoss maybe not as advanced as theirs but they could put people in a cryogenic sleep
Inverse kinematics. Its what makes the reapers jump up cliffs and the colossus legs match the terrain its on If anyone remembers the description for the science facility it said they were rumored to sturdy alien technology in there That was Duran though he doesn't really have any connections to the Terrans as a whole so the technology he has is probably proprietary
IK? Process of determining position of flexible joints in order to achieve correct pose. (Lines up, in the case of a person, ankles, knees, and pelvis joints to the surface or whatever their standing on) I read up on this when I heard Crysis was using Inverse Kinematics, instead of the biomechanical AI in Euphoria... or something similar.
I don't think Blizzard wants to make the 2 races look the same. They said, they'd like to make the differences deeper between the races, so I think terrans will have new abilities but not stolen from protoss
i see... now i remember IK was mentioned at WWI... haha... maybe the terrans could exploit a field of science that the protoss do not understand...
There is no field of science that humans can exploit that protoss couldn't. In fact, because the protoss are so much more intelligent than humans, it would be the other way around.
Allright, I've now heard it enough to ask - what exactly is terrazine gas? I was under the impression that Blizzard is going to leave the resources as Vespene and Minerals like before (high-yield minerals are still minerals).
That seems interesting.. So how would that work? If they where to be upgraded into specters, or would they be limited to the campaign as a special unit?
It was meant as a plot device for starcraft:ghost. I don't think its going to be in the campaign anyway.