Starcraft 2 Surround?

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Lobsterlegs, Jul 30, 2009.

Starcraft 2 Surround?

  1. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    Will SC2 support 7.1 surround sound? Not necessarily 7.1, maybe 5.1?
    Will the game support EAX and 44KHZ sound?

    I'd really like it if blizz decided to go for higher quality sounds with higher playback other than 226kb/s. Like a .flac instead of an .mp3.

    Sound is an important aspect of a game, and I havn't heard Blizzard speak much about sound.
    At all...
  2. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    I think this should be moved to general discussion. I think the sounds will be talked about later after they finalize more of the current balance issues their doing.
  3. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    Hmm, still though, sound is important.. especially for single player.
    They should concentrate on that too.
  4. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    This is probably the most sensible post on the boards.
    Great question/idea.

    In any FPS surround sound will tip you off where your enemy is. Foot steps behind me and to the right? TURN, SHOOT!

    Zergling gurgles infront of me and to the left? Click at 10 o'clock of your base, move in forces, kill.

    I can't afford a surround sound system myself; but I can't imagine the option not making at least single player so much more immersive.