I was recently surfing the Wiki, and was reading up on my starcraft lore, when lo and behold i find out that Starcraft Ghost, a failed attempt by blizzard to make a Starcraft FPS, was to be set 4 years after Brood War. Sound familiar? Well it should, because that's the same time period Starcraft 2 is set in. Now could this be a complete coincidence? i think not. With the first release date set around the time that Starcraft 2 went in development, they never really got over half done, with people quitting and such. Now the question is, is it possible that Blizzard melded part of the Starcraft Ghost storyline into Starcraft 2? I myself believe that it is indeed a possibility, and i'm going continue to look into it. But also realize that Starcraft 2 began development AFTER the initial release date of Starcraft Ghost, and they could be entirely different games, or blizzard decided that they could make one or the other, and that Starcraft 2 would be more widely accepted by already adoring fans. Either way, it's a possibility that i have yet to find evidence against, and please correct me if i am wrong, by all means.
I'm going to say no, and I base that on nothing. I think that SC2 will have a completly different/seperate story and that ghost's will either be pushed back (timeline wise) and altered or scrapped altogether. I'd like to hope that Ghost might still come out in the future but I have a better chance of winning the lotto.
They would probably modify SC2's storyline base on ghost because it's been suspended indefinitely and they wouldn't waste the story that they made up
Do you buy lotto tickets by any chance? Seeing if the chances are in fact 0% or actually possible ;D While I agree a wasted storyline is a bad thing, it may be difficult to alter it in a way to make it work with actual games of sc2 interwoven. However it could possibly be used as a sideline mission(s), like the survival type missions we got in sc. EDIT: Misread what you said. But its quite likely they would scrap the storyline as well