will there be a zoom out opption to see a even larger scale battle? will we be able to use head sets like on xbox 360?
First question: From what we've seen and read, the view interface will be similar to what was in War III...It's possible they'll add a zoom out. Question two: No clue, but it's likely they'll have a optional way to do voice. However, given the 'success' of that kind of thing, who's to say anyone will actually use it
thanks will there be more then 8 players in a battle on battle net at 1 time? ex. can we play with 16, 32, 64 players I am talking large scale for high end cmputers.
Highly doubtful that we'll get SupCom strategic zoom. I am thinking "yes" on the headsets- but we have no concrete confirmation on this. 8 players max.
No, that's two players max, 200 supply, and the only buildable units are the Colossus and the Civillian.
Like others have said I would expect the zoom level to be similar to war3 but having the max zoomed out incresed some. As for player numbers I really don't know I can gurantee there will be atleast 8 but considering war3 had a 12 max it is reasonable to assume Sc2 might also as well or even maybe a 16 player max.