Alright ladies and gents, here's how this one works: You share an idea concerning balance, lore, mechanics, 2.0...anything relating to Starcraft. At the same time, you also rate the person's suggestion that posted before you. After doing that, you can also give feedback on other people's suggestions earlier in the thread. I'll start us off: I think Charge research should be lowered to 150/150. Zealots are very easy to kite early on for some units, and 200/200 for a player using lots of zealots is a crushing amount of resources (and the research takes forever too). Other races get their upgrades for their tier 1 units much earlier (Marines/Marauders from tech lab, zerglings from Spawning Pool and Roaches from Roach Warren), but zealots and stalkers have to go through gateway > Cyb core > Twilight Council...and going Twilight council delays a Robo Fac or Stargate, so trying to make your tier 1 units useful for later in the game slows you down, unlike Zerg and Terran whose tier 1 units get those upgrades along the way.
1. I think the damage by Void rays NEEDS to be changed. It should do 5 damage + 2 vs armored 2. EMP should remove sentry forcefields. 3. Ghost should have there basic ranged increased. 4. Ghost should need energy to case snipe 5. overlord speed upgrade should be 75/75. 6. reaper speed upgrade should be increaes to 75/75
1.)Disagree. Void rays are pretty easy to fight with decent counters or micros now, unless you just let them get a ton. And you shouldn't. 2.) Disagree. Ghost EMP is enormously powerful against protoss. You can just EMP the sentry so they CANT forcefield (as well as doing 100-500 shield damage depending how many units you hit). EMP is fine, the toss need those forcefields to have a chance against terran. (the only good early counter for MnM is zealot+sentry) 3.) Maybe, but then they would be harder to take out with feedback since they are further range from the fight. I'm not sure on this one. 4.) Ghosts do need energy to snipe. I think it's 25? 5.) I agree. I think 50/50 was good too. Zerg already has a hell of a time scouting, making it 100/100 just makes it even harder. 75/75 is a happy middle ground. 6.) Also agree. Reapers were strong when it was 100/100, now they can attack with the speed upgrade so much quicker.
on my 4. i ment to say ghost shouldn't need energy to snipe. i guess it should be on some type of cooldown as for the void rays i STILL see people spamming void rays to no end. i'm suggesting them doing 5 +2 vs armored because it will still be effective vs armored. there current damage is 7 so for them to be the Counter for heavy armored units we should make it more exclusive. I do understand there easy to counter I do it all the time. i see it coming every time. Its just annoying to see that one player will beat a less better player with a tastless strategy and them seeing how easy it is and copying it, or atleast trying to copy it. Its freaking annoying. The way i see it they did this for immortals. 20 + 50 vs armored. They get raped by zlots, zerglings, or marines why not do it for Void rays? as for the feedback it has a pritty long range. I just think that in SC1 a ghost had the same range as a guardian but doesnt anymore in sc2? Its not even close. a ghost has the same range as a marine. Atleast 7 or maybe 8 but NOT 6. another thing i want to add is the coast on the Dark obelisk. 250 gas??? a bit much
the only thing i cant stand is loosing a damn ghost to basic combat. I can understand if he dies to a tank or feedback but if he gets lost or clumped up in your other units fighting he stands in line with a marauder and a marine hes bound to die. I atleast one him to be the first to run away from a battle your loosing then watching him die with a damn marine