What you'll need to play melee games: Patch 1.5.1 http://planetstarcraft.gamespy.com/View.php?view=StarCraftFiles.Detail&id=1 The mod itself. http://starfeeder.gameriot.com/downloads/view/Starcraft-to-Starcraft-2-Mod/1#comment_384437 Optional. I've yet to go through it but the campaigns the creators made are found here. http://starfeeder.gameriot.com/blogs/The-Starfeed/Starcraft-to-Starcraft-2-Mod Scroll down to Ancient_15's comment. But you can only play against computers. And they don't know how to use the new units. So... Hamachi I guess. We'll need that info again. Currently known things needed to be fixed/implemented... Terran: Hellions having Spider Mines. Nomads are no longer Nomads but Nighthawks. Siege Tanks are red team colour only. There are no Reapers. There are no Marauders. Reactor should help produce units, not give more tech options. Thor is still it's siege type, not anti-air type. Viking has no transformation yet. (Called something like... AJ's Car.) Valkyrie is in to provide anti-air for the lack of air mode Viking. Nomad has Irradiate. Marines can't get shields yet. There still are Medics, no Medivac. Protoss: You need an Overlord to create a Mothership. I kid you not. Dark Archons are still an option for Dark Templar to merge into. Corsairs are still in. No Phoenixes. Dark Templar and High Templar can't cross-merge to make an Archon. Scouts are still in. No Warp Ray yet, but the Scout is renamed to Warp Ray. Immortals don't have Hardened Shields. Blinking with a Stalker will render it completely useless unless you micro it with right click to move and attack. Carriers use the Tempest model instead of the new Carrier model. Charge has yet to be brought in. High Templar needs his new abilities brought in. Shield Battery is still around for some reason. Colossal is missing. Shuttles need to become Phase Prisms. Zerg: Banelings have yet to be implemented. New Queen has yet to be implemented. Infestor has yet to be implemented. Ultralisk still uses the two armed model, but I doubt the creators will change what's already in-game. Mutalisk can still morph into the Devourer. The different Crawlers (base defenses?) have yet to be implemented. Basically, the Zerg just got a visual upgrade and stat tweaks. Until the creators actually finish the mod. If you find any other little bits, post 'em.
Yeah the dude that made this said that Terrans were 80% finished with the protoss at 50% and the zerg with the least of all.
Heres a few bugs i found while playing the mod, the nomad's ability's crash the game you can't get the siege tank or anything higher than a wraith ( he has to make it so you can use the tech lab w/ the factory or i'm missing something ) The Thor is susceptible to broodlings Mothership missiles hurt other friendly units if in the general path. immortals are kinda rigged ( RoF too fast ) Zerg dont have any new units other than the building details. I really like the mod and can't wait for the update!
i can use siege tank and all starport units, tech lab with the building producing the unit and it works for me. No hotkey for building immortals. *nevermind immortal is k, which screws up the dark templar and all new untis seem to be like this* Archons made from 2 DT's are cloaked.
Cloacked Archons? :s Buggy mod then, but it still looks like a nice addition. Anyway, with the lack of the new Zerg units, I just want to play the real game even more. :/
It still needs a lot of work but I have to commend them on the amazing effort. I tried playing a skirmish game, and the AI has no idea how to play with the new units. both protoss players just built 2 gateways, sent in some zealots, and then completely stopped building anything. The zerg players built nothing but zerglings, hydralisks, lurkers, and sunken colonies, while the terran players just made marines and medics. I ended up owning them all with a dozen banshees, which for some reason can attack both air and ground in the current build and just AOE the hell out of everything.
I wish I knew when we could expect a new release of it, even if it isn't the final version. The Protoss AI will only seemingly make Zealots and Photon Cannons. The Terran AI will make Marines, Firebats, and Medics. The Zerg AI will make everything except Ultralisks. That's the one unit I don't see.
How did you get tanks and other stuff overmind! i had to use a cheat to get them... the antimatter core and the auto turrets didn't work. i couldnt get a tech lab onto the factory or starport. sigh