Hey, I finished the campagne on hard but I don't know why I only have 25 out of 26 missions. I finished all the Zeratul missions, and the only planet left was char(the final set of missions) is there any secret or kind of hidden mission? My friend has the same kind of problem. DC
What about the Kerrigan missions? You control her/the zerg against the protoss trying to get those Xel'naga things. - Nah JK that would be sweet tho. I have no idea.
There is a secret mission. Play the propaganda news thingy mission, there is a neutral terran science building on the map. Destroy it, pick up the secret documents, finish the mission -> you can now play the secret 26th mission. also, did you get the achievement for 'safe haven' on hard? i find it impossible :s
did anyone feel like they were playing diablo 2 when they were fighting the zerg/protoss hybrid? BTW How did you beet the level where you have all the protoss heroes and non stop zerg rush? I just keep on getting my *** handed to me.
Loved the secret mission. The only way I could figure how to get the Brutalisk achievement was by using only Raynor and kiting with the plasma ammo. Ending with the Hybrid was epic. Loved the feel of doom closing behind you and hearing Raynor's scared voice. Felt like I was 10 again and trying to figure out how to fight/flee from Diablo in Diablo1 for the first time. Good times...
I don't know at what level you played it,but playing in normal I just place colossi on the entrances and stack the gates by warping stalkers and Immortals,while using the fleet you get for free as backup force.
First, its important to know the order that the units come from, top, left, right. So, build 3 gateways to block top, then build 3 after to block left, and 3 to block right side. Move the collosus from entrance to entrance until you built 3 collosus for each side. get 6 stalkers per side. and build up 10 pheonex's. Make sure to build lots of probes. Use the pheonex's to run around to all 3 entrances and lift up the big guys, and take out the air around the map. When the support units spawn in, use void rays for left side, and carriers for right side, have them hold position, if they run out to far, they die. Basically this who map rely's on the pheonex and your ability to lift up units. Also make sure to spread cannons out through out the base for nydus worms. I beat this on Brutal on my 3rd try and ended up killing 3200 units before i finally lost. I beat the whole campaign on brutal already in about 11 hours played time. hehe Easy way to kill the Brutalisk is.... theres a spot of the left side where your units can go behind (behind the scenery building/jar/experiment thingy) , that the brutalisk cant fit (map bug probably), keep medics in the back, and keep rayner at the entrance to that and you wont lose any units, send a marine to unlock him, and keep the marine there, it'll go after rayner and get stuck and wont be able to hit anyone but rayner. I did it that way because its the only spot you can fight him without losing any units and not have to use any abilities. 2490 achievement points unlocked so far! gonna take a break at 3000!