This picture was edited by EdFishy on the Forums. It shows Starcraft II Zerg Units edited into a Starcraft I Scene. Enjoy,
interesting... the units fit rather nicely, i wonder is anyone is going to try to make an sc1 sc2 mod based on the units we currently know of before the release?
Heh, I actually like the SC2 Drone more than the old one. It looks like a cute little manta or something. ...Maybe that's why you don't like it.
Wow looks good! Well done. the unit I think is most improved is the ultralisk . It looks way tougher now!
Its quite easy to determine which units are rather apple for the eyes ^_^ personally i like the thought of assuming that the corrupters are of some near cousin of the devourers since they both fight AtA only but with the difference of the splash damage... im quite unsure of the greenish unit below the baneling.. is that the remodeled infestor or the roach?? im not sure of that but ive seen a video in you tube featuring the new infestor which is now less blob looking and actually looks like a stagbeetle with 3 mouths in its face...
Overall, I think the Zerg colors are still too bright an placed in akward positions. However, seeing as it took forever to get the Terran units gritty I'm in a state of calm awareness. As I trust Blizzard knows what they are doing. Its Blizzard I mean c'mon. Although, on another note, the Zergling, Hydralisk, Lurker, and Ultralisk still need a bit of remodeling done. They are too smushed atm imo. Plus, the Ultralisk looks like a rock color and texture wise. Good cammo for the controling player, but for the careless player who does not see, well, they don't have such a bright future. Still, as I said above, I trust in Blizzard to do the right thing so no worries.
Try find it please. Maybe you think it looks like a rock on a screenshot, but believe me, you won't when you actually play the game. All units have idle animations, making it impossible for you to mistake it for environment.
Gah, the pic took like 20 minutes to load for meh. Maybe it's just because we're all so used to them, but some of the sc1 zerg units look better than the sc2 ones. Lurker and hydra for sure, and zerglings lost some of their appeal now that they look like insects. I'm also curious to know how a large swarm of small units would look, since they're all so close together and have a constant idle animation.
@Gasmaskguy i found the link check this out, i dunno if these is outdated or not but check it anyways
Its possible that it was fan made but he was quite hefty with his skills coming up with an idea like that.. oh and btw i also prefer the current blubberish appearance of the infestor, but it just kind of looks slow..
To me looks like zergs in starcraft 1 are more reptilian like and zergs from starcraft 2 are more like insects. I am not sure which looks better but zerglis are better looking as raptor the as grasshoppers. Maybe in game zerg units look better? And what are those two marines doing? Being served as lunch?