If anyone interested , there's a large petition for lan in sc2 i found over at petitiononline. http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?LANSC2
I knew I recognized that avatar from somewhere else. You're from the DNF forums right? Hail to the (hopefully not dead) king :'(
I've heard this: You can still LAN in SC2. You'll just need an internet connection to get on Bnet. In most LAN's you have internet acess (computers connected to router that gives out IP's), and playing LAN won't affect your latency or anything. This is to prevent "pirates" that don't own the game. And as it looks right now, there is no reason not to buy and own SC2. But then again, I live in Sweden. A country with very good broadband/ADSL speed. So I don't care.
Well thumbs down to you. You don't care. But a lot of other people do. You're not the only one planing to buy SC2. And I'm happy if this idea works. Cause for SC2 competitions or Lan parties (if people still do that kind of thing) and other countless reasons Lan is good. And even with the best adsl you cant get zero ms lag or prevent ISP downtime. Those things just happen from time to time. Sure Lan seems like adding outdated technology to SC2. But if having it increases sales then I'm all for it.
A LAN network after connecting through Battle.Net is like a library where you can only borrow books you've already read.
+1 to LAN If piracy is the main concern for removing LAN that will just trigger more pirates to hack this game. I say they formulate some other means to prevent piracy,.. hmm, if there are damn good hackers, why don't they hire those people that are cracking their software to make the absolute lock for this game?
They've said their main way to combat piracy is by having such a great system with Battle.Net 2.0, but that's obviously not the case if they felt they had to force people to play over it. Also, they seem incredibly stubborn or ignorant, or an unhealthy mix of the two, when it comes to this, for example at BlizzCon, when whoever it was asked the audience. And I'll just point out that that audience was a group of people who paid a good sum of money just to get a glimpse at some new information and a few moments playing the game. Hardly a group of what you'd call 'pirates'.
It's obviously not the consumer piracy that worries Blizzard. They've said themselves that they are relatively unaffected by piracy and that they weren't worried about it. My guess for what the true reason is has more to do with the leagues like KeSPA and OSL.
We can already tell this petition isn't having any effect on the LAN so far....I guess if we make some more forum posts, that will change their mind!
While I tend to agree about the dead horse, there's still more to discuss, and it's not like there's anything else to discuss at this particular moment in time. On top of that, saying "this hasn't had an effect on something so far" is just illogical, and could be said about any petition until a change is made. If it's merely a way of communicating with Blizzard, then I don't see how you can object to it. The gods know we need as many ways as possible with the attitude they've got at the moment.
Starcraft 2 without LAN wouldn't be the same old Starcraft ! LAN is one of most popular SC game modes !