hello, it seems like you guys actually reply to people and can help, with starcraft issues, better than the battle.net forums. So, i was wondering if any of yall could help me... My starcraft keeps crashing, just at random times, sometimes during the campaign, sometime while just sitting there, and sometimes, and this is the worst, while playing a ranked match. I have tried capping the FPS, and running in OpenGL mode, as well as updating my DirectX, and video card driver. None of these things seem to help... Heres my dxdiag, i think i did it right... http://www.mediafire.com/file/4pnon3a53bxq3hb/DxDiag.txt This is terribly annoying, if any of you could help that would be great.
I will start looking dxdiag, in the mean time can you tell your system's make and model? If its a hand built machine, tell me the MSI motherboards model please. I'll keep you posted. *edit* Well, I don't see anything particularly wrong, other then your poor choice of an OS. As much as people like to believe that Windows XP Pro x64 is a good gaming OS, I think its a poor choice for 64-bit. Even Vista 64-bit is a better choice, or XP 32 (yes, I know you would lose system RAM with this configuration.. but others have had issues with XP x64 and migrated to Windows 7, fixing things). Unless its a BIOS or driver issue (you could possibly try using an nVidia beta driver like 260.63 for Windows XP x64. Do you have any other operating systems you could try, even XP 32-bit? Also, what are you using for virus protection? Can you post the crash report you keep getting? If you zip the reports (including DXDiag) you can attach them to your post instead of uploading.
yes, its hand-built, and the motherboard is the MSI K9N2GM, but i'm not using the graphics card thats on it, im using the nvidea GT 240 i think. hope that helps
Oh, it has onboard graphics... okay.. we have some other things we can try.. Let me check out the board and get back to you. Read my updated post above please. Is the board the K9N2GM-FD or the K9N2GM-FIH?
its the K9N2GM-FIH and yes, i have other operating systems i can try i have xp 32, and windows 7 64. Oh, and i use Avast Antivirus for protection.
This is the homepage for the K9N2GM-FIH. Go to the utility tab and download "MSI Live Update," then use it to see if you have a BIOS update (among other things, such as drivers). Now, I was reading the specifications on this board, I would go into the BIOS and turn on the onboard video, and setup Hybrid SLI. What Hybrid SLI does is, for normal boring task (like web browsing), the onboard video will do the rendering, leaving your GT 240 completely turned off (saving a ton of electricity!). Then when you want to game, the GT 240 will automatically be fired up when you go to play 3D games like StarCraft II. Consult your manual for more information (I've never personally done it, so I don't know the exacts).' I don't know what you use for your monitor (DVI or HDMI.. I'd pray not VGA), but if you have HDMI, then you wouldn't really notice this change when using the computer. If you don't want to enable this fantastic feature, I'd suggest checking the BIOS and making sure the primary graphics device option is set to "PCIe" and not "onboard." Some people have had crashing in StarCraftt II on all kinds of motherboards with different chipsets because of this option. It might be called something different in your BIOS (I don't have broadband, so it would take me quiet some time to download your motherboard manual and take a look).
I'm going to do some work with this live update tool, and see if that wont help out, it look like my bios isn't the latest version, so that might be it. But i'll see about trying to do that hybrid SLI.
Alright, let me know how things go. If after all that work nothing works, I would then recommend trying Windows 7 64-bit (keeping that live update tool to download all your drivers and save you time!).
Yeah, so i have windows 7 x64 on my pc now, all the drivers again, and updated everything as far as i know. Then i go into Starcraft II and get a crash my second game Here is a zip with the new dxdiag, and the sc2 error report that got generated. danget... View attachment DxDiag.zip
Go to http://www.memtest.org/ and download the tool and burn to an ISO (a great free burning program is ImgBurn) or use the USB stick version... boot that program and run a memory test. You may have some bad ram. Did you enter your BIOS and reset everything to defaults?
ok, so i have ran the test twice, because the first time i wasn't watching it, and theres no errors according to it, and i have reset the bios. haven't played yet, but its getting to where i'm starting to think that its software related. *EDIT* Yeah,after some more testing and playing... its crashing even more than normal now... cant even play a custom game without it crashing D:
There's still some crash bugs in the game. I would post on the official bug report forums and really nag them.