Starcraft 2 Editor: the Wanted, the Expected, and the Necessary

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by UnholyUrine, Nov 1, 2008.

Starcraft 2 Editor: the Wanted, the Expected, and the Necessary

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by UnholyUrine, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. UnholyUrine

    UnholyUrine New Member

    Feb 3, 2008
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    Okay guys, from the passions thread, everyone seem to have some ideas on what one wants on SC2 map editor. What I'm going to do is compile a list of "the Wanted, the Expected, and the Necessary"
    As you guys continue to give me pointers, I will edit and upgrade this list.... But let's go thru an explaination first

    The Wanted:
    Are things that you feel that you'd really really wish they'd put in the next editor, although you probably don't expect it to be there. An example would be "I want it so that all the old SC1 map can be adapted to SC2 through the editor". Hell, everyone'd love that, but let's face it, it's not gonna happen lol.

    The Expected
    Yeah, stuff that you'd expect to be on SC2 editor because it's going to be so great right? (*cough cough*.. sure). Stuff that you'd expect to be there, but arguable to not be there as well. Example: A trigger that subtract/add %hp or fixed hp rather than a trigger that simply "sets" the hp.

    The Necessary
    Now obviously, stuff from the original editor is NECESSARY in the new one, so let's not even go there. What I want to here is the things you feel COMPLETELY NECESSARY in the new editor to even CALL it a new editor. Example: A better, script like Trigger Editor, but leave the old one here for the newbs to learn. I'd say that's very important.

    Explaination required only when u feel like it =D

    k Lez go

    The Wanted:
    • SC1 maps adaptable to SC2 maps thru the editor (a dream come true)
    • Ability to trigger things at "X" distance (North east south west) from a certain Unit.
    • Spell effects (like psionic storm and etc) can be changed in Color, AoE, and Time for spell to finish.
    • Attacking effects can be interchangable between units. (Ghost firing like a marine)
    • Non-square locations that can have shape changed according to map editor. (Circle locations yay)
    • SC1 spells present and editable in SC2 editor
    • Mixing Parts of Units. I'd like a DT head with a Thor for its body and Lurker Legs please.
    • Some kind of Game type Database.. Maybe uploadable trigger sets?
    • Replay map editor.. The ability to pause and change trigger settings, or other stuff to play as a "God-mode Map Editor"... (It may be sufficient to have some kind of in-game testing option on the editor)

    The Expected:
    • A trigger that subtract/add %hp or fixed hp rather than a trigger that simply "sets" the hp.
    • Ability to center on Multiple units of the same unit (Center location 1 on Marine 1, center location 2 on marine 2, rather than centering both locations on the top left marine)
    • ALL spells would be able to be place on ANY Unit (including SC1 units)
    • Attack Range, and Spell Range, Spell Dmg all Changable
    • Ability to choose the Cooldown time for "Preserve Trigger".. seriously why do we needa use Hyper Triggers?
    • Ability to set the Player's In-game Screen position + Zoom. This can let us create cinematics =D.. Which would be UBER Fun. (This can be complicated tho, since it's all 3D now. so The next expected point would be to have a simple way of letting us do the camera position + zoom)
    • Variables other than Switches; CASE conditions rather than IFs (Basically, more progamming..shtuff)
    • Custom Attribute bars.. Let's have HP, Mana, Energy, Beatings until orgasm Bars!!
    • Better music codes.. Let us include MIDI files, so we can minimize Map Size
    • Faster Map DL Speed (Yeah doesn't have anything to do with editor, but this IS expected of you >:C)

    The Necessary:
    • New Script like Trigger Editor with UNLIMITED POssiblities. Looking for C++ style. But also leave the Old editor (that has been updated!!) for the non-scriptors (like me) to learn. This way, it makes it possible for non-scripters to make the trigger, then see the script and learn that way. All common triggers and original triggers should be included in the old styled editor.
    • ALL SC1 units in SC2 map editor
    • ALL neglected units (Soul hunter, tauren marine, etc) in SC2 map editor
    • ALL neglected spells (Black Hole, Infestation, etc) in SC2 map editor
    • FREE
    • More terrain that is easier to morph to the desired shape, which MUST occur with the new 3d engine.
    • Six-Pack of Root Beer doodad (Meaning: More Doodads please!)
    • Customizable Units from Custom Artwork! If Wc3 editors can have it.. why not us??!
    • Multiple Copies of Units / Heroes. While triggering, it is only possible to trigger up to 2 marines (marine n jizz rainer), and 1 lurker, and like 5 ghosts (not listing them)... We should be able to have Ghost #1 for this, and Lurker #2 for that, and etc., which makes triggering a lot ezier.
    • All the Amazing things WC3 editors have to offer (DAM they get it a LOT ezier than us SC'ers)
    • Better system for repeated triggers.. Like if i want a trigger to fire for every 10 kills of something, I don't have to do a trigger for all 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, etc. kills of that something.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2008
  2. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    The Necessary:
    -Custom Units, Buildings, Spells, Abilities, etc, all with the ability to add in custom artwork.
    -More terrain that is easier to morph to the desired shape, which MUST occur with the new 3d engine.
    -Six-Pack of Root Beer doodad
  3. UnholyUrine

    UnholyUrine New Member

    Feb 3, 2008
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    Custom units?? I wouldn't think that's Possible :S... Tell me about that? I've never played WC3 so it might be there.. But i highly doubt they'd let us make Custom units?... I understand changing the stats for all the units... but custom units from custom artwork? wow!...rly?
  4. Arvendragon

    Arvendragon Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Maybe like SC:BW's hero units, so that there are multiple copies of each unit, and you can make as many.
    Also, I heard something about "mixing" unit parts and making NEW units or something.

    o_O and YAY!
  5. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    It already is possible with the WC3 editor.
  6. UnholyUrine

    UnholyUrine New Member

    Feb 3, 2008
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    **** REALLY?????????????
    Then HELL YEAH IT's Necessary!! Lmao
  7. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    You should submit this to Blizzard...

    The Multiple Copies and Custom Artwork can be combined in to "Custom Units," which is possible in WC3 and includes custom artwork, abilities/spells, and copy->pastes of already-existing units.
  8. Lombar

    Lombar New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    Yeah, how the hell do you think naruto got to be a character in Wc3? lawlz.

    Anyways, The Necessary: Being able to adapt game speed at WHATEVER.
    All the Amazing things Wc3 editor has to offer.
    The Wanted:
    Some kind of game type data bank. For example, if Im doing a Lotrish map, I can set that up and it will load all the basic triggers for a lotrish map (which there are a lot of em, believe me D: ) --- utopia

    The Expected:
    I really expect it to have Variables instead of switches. (variables are like switches but instead of just recognizing set or clear, they are able to see if the variable is 1, 2, 3, chaos, ling, rush, you suck, or my *****.
    In a similar way, instead of just IFs conditions, the editor would be able to use CASEs conditions. (if you dont understand ask me to explain some day Im sober :)
  9. Lombar

    Lombar New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    nice post btw, I'll thank you for the post :O
  10. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Don't post when you're drunk, it confuses the rest of us.

    Quick definitions list for the above post:

    Condition: A test that determines whether an Action should be performed or not.

    Action: A function or set of functions.

    IF function: There are only two Outputs from the IF function. True or false. All of sc1's Conditions triggering is a multitude of IF functions.

    CASE function: There are multiple Outputs from the CASE function. Each scenario, or case, is applied to a desired Output, which can be True, False, any number, (usually) a string, or a symbol (single word or something like dog_cat).

    Output: Outputs are what the Condition returns to the user (in our case, the triggering itself). Output may be True, False, a number, a string, a symbol, an image, a document, or pretty much anything else that is data on a computer.

    Variable: A user-defined function that can be assigned any Output.

    Switch: A SC1 triggering Variable that is limited to two Output definitions: True or False.

    The only problem that I can find associated with Lombar's "The Expected" group is that everybody will have to learn and understand the above pretty well, along with much more programming... shtuff.

    The Wanted: A replay-map editor combination that basically becomes a "Debug" application for Starcraft 2. I'll make it short: While watching replays, I want to be able to pause, step, undo, switch the value of a trigger variable, do some on-the-fly triggering, move units around as I see fit... Basically God-Mode map-testing.

    The Expected: Custom attribute bars. An attribute bar is something like the HP or Energy of a unit. I want to be able to not only redefine these bars, but to create more of my own. I want to be able to have my units have Stamina, Mana, and HP bars. Or just HP bars. You get the drift.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2008
  11. overmind

    overmind Active Member

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    unlikely, it would screw with animations and skeletons.
  12. UnholyUrine

    UnholyUrine New Member

    Feb 3, 2008
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    Lol True.. the physics will be all broken...
    Moved that to "Wanted"...

    I dun't understand EMR's explanation, but I'm sure i'll get it when i try.
    OH and if u can.. get ur friends to submit their thoughts... but no dummies who know nothing about map making please :p

    To EMR.. or was it lombar.. how would I submit this to blizzard? :S
  13. Lombar

    Lombar New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    Aww C'mon, I was not drunk, barely tipsy.
    Plus my post wasnt so confusing.

    Anyways, good explanation on everything.

    Unholy, what is it that you dont understand? Maybe I could rephrase?
  14. Pandemic21

    Pandemic21 New Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    I would expect there to be a file tree kinda like SCDraft.

    I really liked the BFME2 editor, mostly because it had custom areas (you set points, it drew your areas), and because you could make custom files. Like, instead of all the scripts for "p1" going in "p1", you could make a custom file like "Meh", and it would still effect p1.

    Er... I'm explaining this pretty badly... but I hope you get the point. Basically, I want custom folders that still effect the people you want them to affect, instead of being forced to put them in pre-made folders, specifically for the group / player it affects.

  15. Arvendragon

    Arvendragon Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Maybe add an "Unwanted" section?