Uploaded today. http://www.scforall.com/sctv/sc_tv01.asp?mNum=s03&movNum=301 It isn't on SCForAll's YouTube channel yet, but it should be soon.
I feel like I got a level up on my StarCraft skills when watching that video. That pylon thing was new to me.
So.. this video is about 2 nerdy guys talking about what they think Sc2 is gonna be about or am I missing something? :S
@n00bonicPlague Thanx man, gr8 find!! enjoyed it immensely!! Always a pleasure to hear Tasteless...he articulates thing like no other Just fun. TY
Since this is a (almost) weekly thing, there used to be a topic dedicated to this but, apparently, like most topics that try to keep things in a central location, it died. I never liked these videos so I didn't post on them but I'm sure someone will enjoy this. For me, I'd rather watch KlazartSC videos of old StarCraft footage ... or even just old replays of my own
Yes, Artosis does a weekly thing on Starcraft, but the last time he and Tasteless did a special discussion about Starcraft II was a few months ago............I think. Anyway, I don't really get much from these, but it is interesting to listen to and other people seem to enjoy them a lot, so yeah. BTW did anybody else see the Ninja Edit within the last minute of the video? I wonder who the special person showing up in Korea is gonna be......
I.. guess my first post was right then.. lol I though there was gonna be something new about this I guess my bad for not knowing the pronerds names