Blizzard's Frank Pierce told VG247 (a gaming website) that there is "too much work to do" for StarCraft 2 to be released in 2008. So that means we should expect 2009 or later! But he didn't say anything about no beta in 2008. Let's hope! Source: VG247 In other news, Blizzard has announced a line of mobile products which includes wallpapers and ringtones for your mobile device from various Blizzard franchises like WarCraft, StarCraft, and Diablo. The features are available for purchase directly from Blizzard. Enjoy! Source:
Yeah the title is a bit misleading, but Jon meant "definitely not 2008", hence, it's "definitely (no sooner than) 2009". Hey, if it means I don't need 60 patches to enjoy the game, I'm fine with it.
Same here. Also now I can point to this and my posts about the release date and say, "Told ya so." The mobile thing that's nothing more than them milking the franchise. Wehn I saw the title I had hoped for something like The Lost Vikings: Mobile Edition
Well supported argument, Tychus! Kurai, it's no question whether they could release the game this year or not. They just want to be extra thorough in the development process. Can you imagine yourself in their position? They released a game that has managed to dominate for 10 years regardless of how much competition arose during that time; the game is still played by millions(?); the company can practically lose one third of their supporters or further increase it, just from how SC2 turns out. They're under huge pressure and they get no second chances - SC2 is either something that resets the RTS gaming world or it goes flop side and ends up being a mediocre game, which would be a huge blow to the fame and fanbase of Blizzard.
No Zeratul, we moderators work here out of the goodness of our hearts and for the love of you and the rest of the community. I was thinking more along the lines of the job that I will get when I graduate at the end of this school year.
I'm actually hoping that StarCraft 2 will be released quite a bit from now. Don't get me wrong I am hyping over this game unbelievably. I can't count how many time I've watched the demonstration videos and seen the screenshots. But, I also know that a game gets only better the more it is worked on, and this game has to be absolutely perfect. There is a lot for this game to live up to, and a lot of people want to see it fail too (Weird, I know .. But being around the internet I've heard many such people.) Also, I'm getting more and more comfortable with waiting the longer I do it.. I get more practice I guess
wow, thats really nice to hear. im glad to know that there are still lots of good people outhere. ^^ well if i be a mod/admin i will do extra work and maybe i'll get paid. lol
Back in 2007 i was hoping for a late 2008 release. Now im thinking it will be released around mid next year. Hopefully sc2 wont take that long.
This is no big NEWS but quite a solid confirmation. I mean we all want to play it, but we all saw the stage they are on the game, there is no way it could come out this year. My first prediction was summer 2009, but then I realize that all games come up after summer, so I changed my choice to fall 2009, which is kinda far. At least they are going to be able to redo everything 3 times, we are going to get an awesome game
I played Starcraft in June and im pretty glad its not been released this year. Too many patches to balance.
=P no pay, no matter what. and yes kuvasz, i get what you mean. i just wish it would come out, i reaaaalllyyy wanna play it