Starcraft 2 Closed Beta testing begins! “We’re excited to have reached the beta-testing stage for the second Starcraft game, and we’d be grateful to have your assistance in finalizing the content. There are a lot of new things to test, the single-player campaign and a brand new multiplayer experience, and we look forward to receiving any feedback you can offer. source: anyone heard of that?
If you check the site now it's been updated to say that it wasn't legit, and that they were trolled. So unfortunately, it hasn't started yet.
Seriously, **** off with these thread titles. Edit your post if it wasn't legit. Also: did you honestly believe that some obscure site would have the news on, before it was even anywhere to be found on or an official fansite? So sick of this crap.
Fix'd title. Honestly guys, when ANYTHING about a beta or a release date is announced, we'll be all over that like wet on a lake. If you don't hear it from a mod here, it didn't happen.
This was posted on SCLegacy a while ago. There's a reason I didn't post it. News providers need to be more responsible when it comes to the beta because you can really crush someone's hopes if you don't do it right. Besides, this wreaked of fake from the beginning. I can't believe anyone thought it was tr-- wait, yes I can ... a long wait will do terrible things to the mind.