I just finished the missions and is at 25/26 missions and on the screen it even says WoL Campaign completed but I don't have Jim Raynors Protrait nor when I go to my profile it has said i completed the campaign Please help me out
If you havn't done the secreat mission 25/26 is normal however your achievement should've registered. What does the singleplayer campaign screen say where it has the mission and a description?
it says continue, new campaign, or load but it says that i completed it and everything and it says join us in the next sc2 heart of the swarm -_-
Same problem You may wanna try continue and finish the missions you missed and secret missions. I had the same problem on brutal I completed every mission including the ones I missed because of decisions. I was supposed to get Kerrigan, the general, and another dude and none of them unlocked. I am currently dealing with blizzard tech support, I will let you know if there is a fix.
There's no fix, you guys missed the secret mission that is unlocked when you kill the Science Vessell on the Surprise Attack level. You cannot unlock that level until you do that, and you can not unlock it by going back and doing it, you have to do it during the campaign, not once you're finished. So start a new campaign and go again.
You can still unlock the secret mission if you missed it the first time: replaying "Media Blitz" mission through the archives won't work I've been told, but loading a savegame of that mission does work. I unlocked the secret mission and once I completed it, the missions achievement said 26/26. All you need is a savegame of the first time you played through "Media Blitz", if you don't have one then I'm not sure if you can unlock the secret mission.
Well I am 26/26 got the secret mission done too. Its a stupid glitch. Still hasn't unlocked anything.
I had a glitch with the rebellion missions, I got all the achievements, but not Swann's portrait and the "finish all rebellion achievements" achievement. But my method of using a savegame to unlock the secret mission after you've missed it at first does work so hopefully that solves things for the OP.