So remember last April 1st, when Blizzard released the Tauren Marine? People wtf'd, people laughed, etc etc...but with that came the revelation (this was new to me, anyway) that Blizzard promised that ANY unit ever seen/previewed, even if it didn't make it into the multiplayer or singleplayer, WOULD be included in the sandbox map/scenario creator of Starcraft II. So, would I be right in thinking that this means someone could theoretically create a Starcraft I imitator...but with awesome 3D graphics? A lot of the original units that weren't included in Starcraft II have still been seen at one point or another, as far as I can tell...Reaver, Firebat...hmm. I know it'll be a monumental task, but it certainly seems possible And then it'd be a custom/modded game...
It's impossible to re=create the exact game, at least for multiplayer. If you'd bring back all the old unit stats and upgrades, the Zerg would overpower everything with this new pathing system.
I'm positive this is a duplicate thread but since search excludes unimportant terms like "sc2" I can't find the original. Oh well, I guess one can't have a bad search engine and a clean site together. There will be SC remakes, obviously, but I don't think many people will play them. One of the reasons is what Aur mentioned, another is that the overall feel will be far from SC, so there's no real point in approximating it.
True, but it'll be fun to have one of those "reimagined" moments. That being said, I doubt it'll be anything but a gimmick. What's the new pathing system? I can't really think of anything off the top of my head that would make Zerg crazy powerful. (@kuvasz I searched pretty hard too but I came up with nothing as well. Hope I'm not beating any poor horses to death D: )
Well the new pathing system is basically the line Code: if race=Z then win since masses of units benefit the most from the new pathing system (i.e. more direct and shorter routes, smoother collission detection, etc.). In other words it's easier to control masses of units, surround, and everything else that was exponentially harder the more units you had in SC. Although I can imagine the "8-way" pathing and attrocious collission detection to be implemented since the galaxy editor is so powerful.
I wonder if anyone will recreate the starcraft 1 campaign in starcraft 2. That would be cool and there would be no balance issues. The last episode(zerg in BW) would finally become a little winnable for me then .
Hopefully goons wouldn't be so stupid. That alone would give toss a significant advantage. goons were really, really stupid.
It'd be difficult. A bunch of the old units might not be converted, for instance, and even then, little gaming tricks would be lost and gained. You probably can't mess with the UI either, which would be important for a few people. So, you'd need modelers, not just mappers.
Well, I'm sure somebody can figure out a way to limit the size of control groups. But I don't really see why anymore. Made a thread about this myself, must be over a year ago by now. But ever since playing the beta, it seems like a poor idea. If you want to play the original again, go play that. (although I highly encourage map makers to create the old campaigns for WoL, of course)
I think it'd definitely be a cool thing to do, and I'm sure it's possible with the map editor they have now. But like some others have said, pathing would probably make things really uneven. Would definitely be interesting to see how much it affects things though.
Of course it would always be possible to just redo some popular missions...but replace a few units with tauren marines? FOR THE HORDE!!!