i am gonna make a star wars battle royale, but i am not smart enough to think of all units, so if you would be so kind to assist republic jedi republican battleship jedi fighter clone-soldier empire sith stardestroyer TIE-fighter stormtrooper At-St At-At rebels/new republic x-wing y-wing b-wing mon calamiri cruiser gungans basic soldier shieldman gungan rider catapult big animal shield generator seperatist (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Separatist_Droid_Army#Members and http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Confederate_Navy#Capital_ship_classes) a-series assasin droid Air Battle Droid Single Trooper Aerial Platform B1 battle droid B2 super battle droid B3 ultra battle droid C-B3 cortosis battle droid Battle droid assassin BL-series Battle Legionnaire D-60 assault droid P-series droideka Q-series droideka W-series droideka Droid marine E4 baron droid Engineer battle droid Grapple droid IG-100 MagnaGuard IG lancer combat droid JK-13 security droid Jump droid Octuptarra combat tri-droid OOM command battle droid OOM pilot battle droid OOM security battle droid Orray trooper Pistoeka sabotage droid Protodeka Scavenger droid Spelunker probe droid Anzati assassins Balawai militia CIS officers Dark Acolytes Escarte Guard Freelance Mercenary Corps Geonosian warriors Geonosian elite Nationalist Army Nimbus Commandos Koorivar Fusiliers Mandalorian Protectors Morgukai Shadow Army Muun guard Neimoidian warriors Neimoidian Gunnery Battalion Neimoidian Irregulars Neimoidian Sniper Neimoidian brutes New Plympto resistance Quarren Isolation League Skakoan Legal Deputies Thaereian military Trandoshan heavy mercenaries Trandoshan mercenaries Trandoshan slavers (CIS) Armored Assault Tank Advanced dwarf spider droid DSD1 dwarf spider droid Heavy Artillery Gun OG-9 homing spider droid IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank Tri-droid LM-432 crab droid NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcer Ground Armored Tank Multi-Utility Transport Scorpenek annihilator droid Sith Enforcer Seismic tank Tsmeu-6 personal wheel bike MVR-3 speeder bike Heavy Missile Platform Mechanized Assault Flyer C-9979 landing craft if you can think of units and factions please post here
Your list is so sad I am slapping you for trying and then I am leaving this thread Consult Wookiepedia before I am forced to send Acclamators to invade your mind,
i know my list is sad, IT IS A START, i didnt even add the jk-droids or the mt-at's please post a lot of your suggestions here