There were no 'help me improve' threads so I created this in hope of good players being able to point out specific mistakes in my game (and I guess others' in the future). My replay is about a 4 player ffa (quickly turned into 3 player and then 2) game and I'd like someone good (not knowing good play but actually having the skills - to be able to suggest reasonable improvements that can be done at my skill level / APM) to watch the replay (or at least parts of it) and point out my mistakes. The obvious ones I spotted in retrospect are: I need to pay much more attention to my macromanagement - I have idle workers scattered around occasionally. I need to check the minimap much more often to quickly spot stray units and act accordingly. At the beginning of the game, I left my marines idle in front of the enemy's door when I could've done serious damage to him - my excuse is that I was busy fending off the intruders in my base I need to find a way to counter dark swarm. I was thinking about irradiating them but I never got to owning a group of science vessels. So yeah there you have it. I know I made lots of mistakes in the game but I'm actually proud of my performance, I wouldn't have thought I'd last so long. Thanks for any help :yes:
well this is just off the top of my head, but you really only need 2 science vessels for irradiation... have them irradiate each other, then defensive matrix each other, then simply fly them over the enemies you want irradiated. the matrix keeps them alive long enough to do serious damage, and the irradiate doesn't affect them, since they aren't biological.
I totally forgot about that. That is indeed powerful, but I'm not sure if I could pull it off effectively or not. I don't know if you've watched the replay or not, but I'm mediocre at best and controlling the vessels to kill defilers might take too much attention. I'm not sure though so I'll try to use that in the future.
My first suggestion would be to to try and focus on the kind of game you are playing because 3+ FFA even if you rush and kill one oponent you still have to deal with the other which will have had alot of alone time to build up and will likely overwhelm you. Also, I would suggest trying to make alot more air defense if you are going against Zerg and you do not know if they are muta rushing or not, because had orange attacked you and not blue, you would have been saying gg pretty fast (this was also true for the other Terran as well, so it wasn't only you). Another thing I noticed was kind og general innefficiency with units, which while that is fine when you out resource your oponent, in general it can really hurt. Im not quite sure what to suggest to help here because a lot of it seemed to come from your oponent just flat out, out-microing you in general and the use of defilers (both plauge and DS) in specific. As for the dark swarm delema toy seemed to have a lot of one of the counters you just couldn't make it work, what I mean this (assuming I havn't mistaken a fact about dark swarm...) is that since aoe penetrates DS you just needed to get your tanks in siege mode. A lot of the battles I saw where you got hit with DS hard, you had nearly all of your siege tanks in normal mode or transfroming and not ready to shoot. My suggestion for this would be to try and stair step your siege tanks so you always have sufficient supporting fire to handle DS. Another possible solution to the DS problem (which hasn't already been stated) would be to try and create some firebts to provide a front line of defense for your metal that gets caught in DS. Finally that battle seemed to be a combination of bad luck and atleast one superior oponent, because for example if the other Terran had attacked orange instead of you, he might have slowed down his muta rush enouh for blue to live, which would have meant that orange wasn't able to vastly out resource you and the other Terran. So I guess its kinda hard to say where your real problems lie because in an FFA game there really is (in my opinion atleast) such a thing as chance, which makes it hard to tell if someone screwed up or got shafted by fate.
The reason I didn't bring firebats is that IIRC they only do 50% damage against large units (and then comes the 5 armour, which further decreases their damage output to 3) and because they get picked off by damage upgraded ultras really fast. I knew about the siege tank splash damage under swarm but I didn't think it'd get me anywhere. Maybe if I had more tanks, I would've kept them in siege to see what happens I will focus on getting vessels and getting rid of the defilers because if it weren't for those I could've beaten the Zerg, I think.
Yeah, Irradiate would be good, but against Ds, your best option is retreat. Tanks only do like 1/4 damage through it, so it wont really matter against lots of lings, let alone ultras. Just dont give him enough time to build up ultras+filers or you'r ****ed