Hello everyone. Just started the game, I'd say I'm doing ok. Getting units out in fairly good time, and focusing on macro. My issue though has been that I'm rarely sure just how to spend my Minerals, Once I get to the mid game, I have more minerals than I know what to do with. My most recent game, which I won was heavily reliant on Gas, and I was spending it as quickly as I could make it. But I couldn't pump enough Units out of my 4 barracks, to keep up with minerals. I think the primary cause is that I'm able to follow the build-orders pretty well, but once I get to a certain point, say 24 food, I fall of into arbitrary building and teching. Any ideas on what I can do to fix the problem, and what I should be practicing?
I'm not really sure how you're spending so much gas if Barracks are your main production buildings. Are you expanding at all? If so, when? When I get low on Vespene I usually take that as a sign that I should have dropped an expansion five minutes ago. Also, if you find yourself spending a lot of resources on replacing lost units, then that mean's it's time to use a different mix of units, which should throw your opponent off-guard and hopefully get him scrambling for the the right counter after the damage has been done.
also, obviously, when you do expand, you may need to get your assimilators up ASAP and start on gas before minerals at the new expansion. (your not massing reapers are you? )
You will also always get more minerals than gas. If you have extra minerals, in game you can just throw down some barracks with reactors and pump some marines. Or get hellions, or something else mineral heavy. Then long term, you might rethink your unit composition to fit the resources you're getting. Or you may rethink what resources you focus on when you expand, etc.
I guess, that might be the issue. I wasn't pumping mass reapers. I was teching, cloak on banshees, siege mode, whilst build banshees, tanks and marauders. Then mass vikings, and marines.