As the release of the game is still far off, it would be great if Blizzard released a special edition of the game, with whole bunch of bonus materials. I mean we have been waiting for the game for generations and to get the sequel to the best RTS in a little plastic box? No that doesn't do the game justice. It would be interesting to see a DVD with documentaries and behind the scenes material, and the history of development of the first SC from Alpha to Beta, Art development, and so on. what do you guys think?
You are right ! We have been waiting for this game for a long time now . Our 'patience' (even if I am not patient anymore) must be rewarded. No other company has let its fans with a big hole in front of them. Of course Blizzard MUST add bonus, extras, etc ... inside a BEAUTIFUL box for this game. Blizzard should reward us. It would be very great already that Blizzard adds a countdown inside the Starcraft 2 site before the release of the game. It should already add an agenda in this site to show us what they treated the day. For instance if a design modelor was modeling the hydralisk, and that a programmer is balancing some units, and that finally a disigner of the sound tries to create a new sound for a unit, etc .... Blizzard should create an agenda to tell us "that day, July 31 2008 : - design modelor : modeling hydra ; - sound designer : creating a new sound for the ghost (for instance); -....
Yeah, actually I am really interested in how they make the new units, how do they render stuff, how can they modify.. I don't want a whole programming course, but a showoff would be nice, and interesting. Everything would be interesting if it is related to Starcraft 2 Also I would buy a collector's edition, with all the Starcraft games..
Creating materials for such a special edition would delay the game even further. Just let Blizzard work. They are already treating us better than virtually any company as is. Think about it - they release new information (Q & A's, lore, comments) about every week, let us play the game at events, and listen to our opinions. I'd say that Blizzard is already doing a fantastic job. Demanding more would be just greedy, not to mention probably cause the game to take even longer. I'm just as excited as you guys are, but remember, patience is a virtue. Starcraft II is going to be amazing.
I hate that special edition crap. All it does is raise the price of the game if you want extras and the extras usually are something you'll watch once and never again and are thus not worth the extra ten bucks. Oh BTW ninerman. The stuff Blizzard releases at itermittent intervals isn't really treating us well. It's satiating our thirst. Nothing more. Having actually had conversations with devs from other companies before I can tell you Blizzard could do a lot better in the way of community involvement
I disagree. None of the other games I have cared about have had even close to the amount of pre-game release stuff that Starcraft II does. And example - at BlizzCon '07 Blizzard had to decide between showing the single-player campaign or not. And even though it probably wasn't ready to be shown (since so many changes most likely are occurring) they did anyway. The Q & A's, released lore, leaked tidbits, etc. are all also treating us quite nicely. And the community involvement is sufficient - we get invited to events and they listen to our comments. Cases in point - the Siege Tank and bringing back the Carrier. However, I do know that it still is just barely a satiation of our thirst. But be honest - our thirst wouldn't be fully satisfied unless we all were allowed to actually play the game! I think Blizzard is balancing pretty well between showing its fans bits of Starcraft II while keeping enough under wraps to make the eventual release huge.
Spoiler Guy: Hey dude, guess what?! Other Guy: What?! Guy: Let's get back on topic! Other Guy: KLOL! I think that the Special Edition would be a good idea. I enjoy watching bonus features, and the making of the game
I think a book (no, not a .pdf somewhere on the cd) with some information about the lore/races/koprulu sector/characters would be nice and more interesting then a "the metamorphose of the drone - from early pre-alpha StarCraft 1 builds to the ultimate worker of the zerg in StarCraft 2"-documentation, which you watch one time and then never again. Just something that can be used to look up information if you need them and that is worth reading/looking at multiple times.
They included a "lore book" with the original Starcraft; I'd imagine they'll do it for Starcraft II as well.
BirdofPray-blizzard is doing a amazing job by hiring a person just to be working with community, so why dont they have him do the documentary as well, i mean he has a big job as it is, and all he has to do it record what he already is doing on film,. I see not how that would hold the game, but if it will special edition stuff comes out letter anyways then the regular. Eather way, having a look at whats going on in blizzard, seeing the peeps who work hard on this game, and just getting more familiar with the company.
I want to see a video of them going back and forth with each other for units/lore. Because seeing them discuss I would just be fascinated with.
im very curious how they made the first one as well, how the hell did they get this good when they made the beta after the alpha being so bad.
is that pig in your sig Pi-Chan? oh and as for the special stuff, i dont really care about those sort of things.