I think that the possibility of in game microphone-based talk would be FRAKING awesome! Something like counterstrike. It would make it easier to communicate strategies As well as talk crud without wasting time typing things. Anyone have anything against this?
IMO, there would be a ton of people who just go on games to start screaming stuff into the microphone to annoy people. If not for that I think it would be a great idea.
but then here is some possible bad things that can occur: - your not familiar with ur team mate's voice, so you don't know who's talking to you - someone could have a heavy accent, or cannot speak fluent English - if everyone talk at the same time, it gets jumbled up - sometime when ur playing, u might accidently swear into the microphone....... still overall its a good idea
I think that the possibility of in game microphone-based talk would be FRAKING awesome! Yes i completely agree with this! Blizzard createtd the battle-net it might be no problem for them to add somethink like this Sure they might be some disadvantages but if blizzard include microphone-based talk they will be clever enough to add an mute button
Computer, I think it's a brilliant idea! Of course, you can set it so you can only hear your own team. And if it is like 2vs2 then it would be very useful indeed. I hate typing ;p
well they haven't employed voip in their other games! (but there is always room to branch!) And I agree with orphean just use vent xfire of teamspeak
In-game voice is a really brilliant idea, it will in no way affect the game-play in a negative way, of cause you need the mute button and hopefully a Push-To-Talk button as well. maybe a location scanner, so when you´re in-game playing you can see that your teammate is from China and you are from England, you will be able to mute really fast before you get hypnotized by several mind numbing sounds. It doesn't require much to put up a location scanner nor an in-voice communicator. Yes the Ventrilo, Teamspeak or Xfire programs can be used, but if you are selecting random games you have to be REALLY fast to give the information and log in which will delay your start, and everyone know that the start is probably the most important thing in the game. To say something to the guy that talked about in-game voice like in Counter-Strike, I would highly disagree with that, since the in-voice program piece in Counter-Strike is a bad example of how NOT to make a speak program, even with a great sound card and a even better microphone your sound will be crumbled too much. The reason for the in-game voice would be a great success is that around 80% of the world speaks English or something that might remind you of it and still be able to understand it. Anyway you got to admire the suggestion about in-game voice would be really cool. - Trippe out. Yes! I am a highly admired, major, celestial dragon-fart!
Will do Got the site from a friend and i have a lot of suggestions for blizzard and a lot of regular known things about the WC series and SC series and WoW as well hehe I hope you will enjoy my knowledge just as much as I do *giggleing madly* (This ain't part of any suggestion or information at any rate, please excuse my interruption) - Trippe out It is true what you say about chimps, they do NOT like the smell of what they hear