I pretty much prefer modern south park over the old ones (although insheeption was the lowest the series got). I think season 3 was where the goody goodness first started.
It became good when they started to use satire, instead of the "lol, people (read: kenny) die horribly" formula. Can't say that it's getting worse, since I haven't watched the last season and a half or so yet.
I was rather fond of the episode where the internet went down across the U.S. - the Grapes of Wrath references were hilarious.
Best one imo was either the one where they get trapped in Smugglers Cave or the one where they all buy hybrids and create a smugstorm
How the hell does the South Park movie keep being this great? Last season had one of the most hilarious situations ever in the coon trilogy (which was what finally tempted me to read call of cthulhu.
I watched the episode with the civil war reenactment last night. I didn't laugh until the final line. "Gee, thanks Bill Clinton. Yeah, thanks ****."