Where was Zeratul and Artanis and Fenix during the invasion of Aiur? Why didn't raynor knew anything about what happened on Shakuras why didnt Artanis and Zeratul contacted him? Where was Kerrigan during brood war protoss and terran campaigns? Where was Fenix during protoss and terran campaign in brood war(after escaping from aiur)? How did Fenix and Raynor survived attack on "Escape from Aiur"?
1) Fenix was always on Aiur. Artanis spent most of his time on Aiur, only spending a little time on Char (he was the player character in the StarCraft I protoss campaign; a bit of a retcon). Zeratul started on Char and went to Aiur about halfway through the protoss campaign. But judging from your question, you actually meant to ask where they were during the Brood War. Zeratul spent most of his time on Shakuras. After the end of the protoss campaign, he only left (for Char) after Kerrigan kidnapped Raszagal. Artanis was in the same place as Zeratul pretty much all the time. Fenix, on the other hand, hid out with Raynor on Aiur, but started following Kerrigan around sometime after the UED wrecked that protoss outpost on Aiur. 2) Plot hole! Presumably there's no good long-range communication amongst the protoss. In Twilight, the protoss on Ehlna couldn't even make a "phone call" to Shakuras for help. They relied on psychic abilities instead (but a negative space wedgie prevented that from working). Artanis and Zeratul only returned to Aiur (after its fall) in order to recover a few heroes. They might have been out of contact sine the end of the second protoss mission. However retcons indicate Raynor may have hidden out on Shakuras for a while, making the plot hole worse. 3) During the protoss campaign, she spent her time on Shakuras (except for when she had to follow Zeratul and Artanis to Braxis and Char). During the terran campaign, we're not really sure. She was hiding somewhere, probably Tarsonis (as that's where she was during the early zerg campaign). She mentioned contacting Raynor and Fenix on Aiur; given the lack of psionic radios, maybe she went there personally. 4) Fenix spent the entire protoss campaign on Aiur. He didn't leave. During the terran campaign, he stayed there until the UED invaded Korhal. At that point (since Kerrigan convinced Raynor the UED were the greater threat), Raynor and some of Fenix's forces went to Korhal to rescue Mengsk. Presumably Fenix either stayed on Aiur or went with Raynor. We don't know. After the UED wrecked his outpost, Fenix disappeared until the zerg campaign. 5) They're badass. And they did end up hiding at an outpost.