I only really played Starcraft briefly (A few months or so) however during that time I ONLY played Protoss. I very little played Zerg, and when I did I wasn't the best at it because like I said; I never practiced it. In fact, as you see by my symbol and avatar I'm infatuated with the Protoss however I'm starting to get a liking for Zerg. By reading posts here, and looking (especially) at the battle reports I'm starting to love the idea of sneak attacks presentable by the burrow ability by the Zerg. Also the swarming idealology of them; with the infestation idea type thing. Nevertheless, let me get back to the original point. I kind of (more of really want to) play Zerg in the upcoming Starcraft 2. However I don't really know the perks of playing them (funwise and strategy wise) other than swarming; which seems quite a bit bland to me. I like those exploding things, I can have a lot of fun with those (brainblock, can't remember name). Just some opinions of why they'd be fun to play, and some general strategies and stuff would be HIGHLY appreciated for an aspiring Zerg player; or maybe knocking me back into sense to stay with Protoss. I'm interested ^_^
Banelings are the exploding things. http://cghub.com/files/Image/18369/image.jpg Excellent drawing by Mr. Jack who some of you may know. Yes. Swarm swarm swarm, when in doubt. Zerglngs are naturally goods for that. With Banelings, you have a formidable force for most tier 1 and some tier 2 armies. (If your new to SC, and games like that tier refers to level of advancement. Zerg is revativly easy: Hachery is 1, Lair is 2, etc... I apologize if you knew this already.) I don't know what the current status of the Roach is, but the Zerg/Baneling is popular in the current build. Against air units, Mutalisks and Hyrdas are effective. Thats all I now about the zerg right now. For sneak attacks, try using Zerglings to lure units into a trap of burrowed Banelings.
Ah yes, thanks! I understand the tier system; and the like but thanks anyways! The swarming factor seems pretty fun, surrounding your enemies and just slaughtering them but does that not mean that Zerg are at a high disatvantage in maps where there are many tight pathways and such? And yes, I love that idea ^_^ I'm sure people will catch onto it soon enough however. I was personally thinking that I could train about 6 banelings and just burrow outside their main way out the base and go back to amassing an army. If I see them leaving, I can unburrow them instantly once they are near me and just completely slaughter them. Give them that mental factor that I can be anywhere around their base. Is it also true that the infestor can not only move underground/, but 'infect' barracks and such from Terran? That would be interesting indeed. Also, I never really divuldged into Zerg as I said previously; what uses do Ultralisks present other than surprise attacks?
As far as I remember, there is a Battle Report (the 2nd if I remember) PvZ where Zergs were using Neural parasite on Colossi (it's like Mind Control by the way, but temporary effect) and one can see that they can move underground. Can't remember though if they can cast while burrowed but i think they do I have no clue about the Terran Building Infestation thing (I think it's been removed), but if I'm up to date, they can cast spawn 4 "infested" marines for a limited time. They do not explode anymore like in SC1, but they shoot like standart marines (that means they can attack ground AND air). http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Ultralisk The Ultra has 600 HP it deals 20x2 dmg + splash and does 60 to buildings! One of my fav units
This reminded me of how incredibly boring that spawn infested terran ability is of the infestor. I mean, imo first of all it doesn't look very creative, 2ndly of what purpose is that skill supposed to be for? another spam skill? I think this unit has a lot of potential given some good skills, sadly we didn't get to see them during blizcon 09 nor were they talked about by those who were able to play. Anyways, a reason to like zerg more might be its appeal of being the most unique race to play among the 3. And if you are looking for underdogs power-wise you are looking at the right direction. The zergs theme is basically to overwhelm their enemies in numbers. They might not be as powerful or as explosive like terran but they do have speed, numbers and surprise as their main strenghts. Have you ever watched movies like starship troopers or aliens? It's good if you do so, coz you're gonna feel more inspired to feel what it was like to be the agressor and villainous.
The new Overlord/Overseer combo, of course! Drop creep in front of an enemy base, and put some Spine Crawlers in there. Fun! Further, some Zerg units will be able to move while burrowed, which adds an extra layer of strategy to playing that race. Another fun strategy is to use Banelings as landmines. You can now let them explode while they're still underground, which is quite nice. I was against it at first, but the tactics in bottleneck areas are just to fun. As for those bottleneck area disadvantages: look above. The Ultralisk helps there as well. To complete the defense, the Lurker has siege range in Starcraft 2. Awesome defence on all tiers. Don't worry about balance to much. Blizzard always does a good job when it comes to that.
Continue using protoss the exploding things are banelings and arent so strong as the infested space marine from the original starcraft. if i were you i would stay with protoss. the zerg have a good start at the beginning(Zerg rush), but later on in the game they arent really interesting. there tier 2 and 3 units cant be compared with those of the protoss and the only good tier 1 and 2 units of the zerg are the defiler and the guardian. The Zerg have really weak air vs air units(if you dont have brood war) and later on youre probably only going to be using hydras vs air. Like i said i would stay with protoss because in starcraft 2 the teams are much more balanced and the protoss (as i saw it from the movies on youtube) are a bit stronger the the other teams. the only zerg tactics i would use would be burrow and surround or rush cant really do anything better( maybe a sneak attack he he). SO PLEASE CONTINUE PLAYING PROTOSS:yes:
zergs are all about swarming and massing units because low/mid tier zerg units are pretty weak on there own. 1 zelot can kill 4-5 lings or 2 hydras. but because most zerg units are so cheap like lings u can get 6 from 3 larva (and in SC2 with queen u get 14 from one hatchery cuz of spawn larva) 14 zerglings is more then enought to take on 2 or 3 zelots if u get a nice surround on them. and since protoss and terran units are more expensive then zerg units they cant mass as much as zerg can, so the more the better. the more zerg units u have the more they can stack up and overwhelm powerful units like terran and toss. of course protoss has there ups to. they may not be able to make a whole armada of units like zerg can, but they have very high stats. so a few of zealots can still take on a swarm of lings/hydras with good micro. in SC2 there even more powerful. i like all races so i usually pick whichever one i feel like playing with, but my true solid race that im best at is zerg. cant say for sure how any of the races will be in sc2 right now but we will see in beta and when its finally released. for now all i can say is use both races and get good with both =) its certainly possible, theres no rule that says u have to pick one race and stick with that race forever. there all good.
Yea a lot of ppl play random. And Zerg are basicly choose a unit-mass and kill enemy in the early stages of the game, they fall apart after that. But they have some high teir units that can be fun, especially the new burrow movment the roach can move while borrowed and the infester, infester can use spells while burrowed and roaches only heal when burrowed, but I could see, tunneling into a base undetected then when there not looking killing all of there workers then spawning something as a pest afterwards.
@ballistixz You're wrong there. Zerglings now have way better pathing then they had back in Brood War. About 3 Zerglings per Zealot is plenty now, depending on how closely spaced together the Zealots are. That's one of the reasons why the Protoss (and Terran) now can produce units faster then before. That's to compensate for the improved pathing/swarming for the Zerg. Also, it's quite obvious that the Protoss are stronger then the other races when it comes to individual units. I mean, they are more expensive and have way more advanced technology then the other races. However, strength per unit doesn't really matter when it comes to facing the Zerg in such massive numbers, or the Terran in slightly larger numbers. @priest68 A single Baneling might not be as strong as an Infested Terran from SC:BW, but they have other advantages. They can burrow and act as landmines, can be produced faster and move much more smoothly to their targets. Not even mentioning the numbers in which they can spill out of Nydus Worms now... So in short, the Banelings do a good job. I don't think that the classic Infested Terran would do a good job in the sequal. At least not with exactly the same stats. :/