Hello everyone. I have heard that lots of people are having problems loading missions, like the game loads halfway and the quits out. My friend called me with this issue and said lots of others were having it to. First if you have that problem it may help Blizzard to post your system specs here, and OS if you have that problem so they can see a trend, and it may help them get a patch out so you can start playing.(So post your stuff if you have that problem). Next some general things that I noticed were different when installing. 1. You NEED to make a Battle.net account and register your game to that account. Your number is on the disk case. 2.You have to be connected to the internet when installing the game, it may ask for driver updates once it gets to the update portion, as well as the game has a patch you must download. 3.You cannot play the game in single player until you log with your Battle.net account in for the first time. Your game is authenticated/registered, at the first log in.(Internet must be connected) then you can play single player/offline without the internet connected. If when trying to log in and it says cannot connect, and you are connected to the internet your connection may be to slow. This happend to me. So just wait a minute, dont download or anything and try again. Mine also hanged for a little and would not log in at first, just go back to the main menu and try to log in again. Hope this helps adress some issues people have, if your game does not play at all post your specs and what happens here, which may help Blizzard get a concensus and trend so they can quicker figure out the probelm. Good luck getting your game fixed, mine runs and its really fun its worth it to wait for a patch if yours dont work. I have XP SP3>GTX 285>8gb Ram>500gb HDD>Quad 2.4GHZ CPU>
You have 8GB of ram, and are using a 32-bit OS? WTF (if it was XP64, it would be SP2). If your using a 1GB GTX 285.... Math: 3GB usable ram in 32-bit OS 1GB usable video ram in 32-bit OS That's 4GB's of wasted RAM that doesn't even need to be installed into your system...... unless you plan on getting a 64-bit OS sometime soon. I know I just told this to another guy in another thread but.... seriously dude, you need a 64-bit OS with any ram over 4GB... it just won't get used. I know Vista 32-bit SP1 would fool you into thinking you have more ram installed into your system (i mean, it is installed, but the OS can't use it)... but with XP SP3, you should only see 3GB addressed in device manager. I know this is off topic of this thread but, damn dude.
If you knew it was off topic you should not have posted and complained about my setup. It is very unnecessary. I know I need 64bit OS but, how and what I do with my pc is my business. Maybe when I get one i will let you know.:wacko: