Okay, to get this right click them>Save picture as>Name it w/e>click on yoru avater>Go to browse>find the pic>Upload and your done By zkidboy CODE: http://imageshack.us]
yeah i knew they were from the fansite kit. i have it on my computer.. im just wondering why he put By zkidboy
Sorry. I think my Lucy with gun drawn is better. =3 Curious, Lombar. Would you be able to send me the full picture of your signature? Impaled Hydra Heads intrigue me..
Hm.. Retarded Robot, or a Mutant Human Girl whose known nothing in her life but torment, grief, and sadness... Tough call. I'll get back to you on this.
Retarded Robot in a dog costume that turned into a house just for a nacho grande? Or a tormented girl that has been used as a testing tool all her life and considered a monster with a deadly ability that could slaughter even the mightiest? I'd go with retarded robot in a dog costume.
My thanks, good sir. Never seen that before, is ver' nice! Any more from where it came from, mayhaps?