You know, protecting a world that hates and fears them? the next phase of evolution? a metaphor for racism? Trying to make the world see that humans and mutants are equal? Yeah, that changed. Let's see. Odd plotpoints from semi-sensical to nonsensical: - Magneto is apparently a hero. Again. Or still. There is a chance he just resembled the twin brother of a villain. And a hero. Or something. - The X-men have their own science brigade now. Yay science. - The X-men are afraid of dying out, since many mutants and the kids any mutant will have are now normal humans instead of supers. Why do they think its a horrid situation if their kids are just normal? - The X-men have destroyed the mutant cure and converted its inventor to the belief that mutants are the best in the world. Rogue was unavailable for comment, as were any of the other mutants that were cursed to always being alone to their gifts. - Vampire suicide terrorists are at war with the x-men. - The x-men have recently started settling their promised land. - the x-men have a messiah now. The last three points make me kinda uncomfortable. The two points before that have severe problems with stated beliefs.
It gets weirder: Among the first targets of the x-men in the war with the vampires are - A vampire who has devised a way for women to lose weight quickly, while feeding herself, and only does this with volunteers. Of course, the volunteers don't know she is a vampire, but she doesn't actually infect them - A vampire who only feeds himself with murderers that manage to escape conviction. I think the 'misunderstood species that is prosecuted for the wrongdoings of some of their group and general fear of the spread of their affliction' starts to fit the vampires better than the x-men at this point. The second one is particularly odd, as Angel spends the whole story saying the vampire is wrong for killing, instead of delivering to the authorities, yet ends killing the vamp. No mention is made of the irony.
And two more: Iceman is now made out of holy water, so he can better fight vampires Wolverine is stuck in hell, having to fight everyone he ever killed so that Satan can use him as..... his pet. No seriously, with a leash and everything.