Anytime something dota related is brought up in other forums I frequent a fair bit of bashing goes on, but I thought it was the only good thing about warcraft 3. obviously i'm looking forward to just regular online play in SC2, because we don't have to deal with the worst concept in the history of RTS (hero classes).
You'll get bashing for DotA here too, it's just that bad. Probably the worst points though are community in DotA and the fact the hardly anyone plays something else than that in wc3
I don't really mind if there's DotA. I wasn't a fan, but sometimes I got bored and played it. It's not going to be like WC3 where DotA's the only thing they play, but if I get bored of melee maps I might pick up DotA for a couple days.
i hope dota wont be big in sc2. i do play dota, but i dont want the sc2 dota to over-run the whole ums games.
lets stop the person who ever makes once he makes it..we get his hotmail and send him spam messages everyday. =]
There will be DotA for sure and that's fine. As long as it's not over 70% of UMS games or more like in wc3 I wonder what other series will be remade in sc2. Like ninja vs samurai, or maybe Stukov's party? ;D
Probably turret defense maps. We'll also be able to play linked maps and campaigns online which is awesome.
DOTA would destroy the community IMO. We saw what happend at WC3... all those kids that play know, buyed the game because of DOTA Im hoping for some TD maps!
DotA in SC-language is Aeon of Strife. I personally hope the WC3 name doesn't stick when it translates SC2... and I hope it doesn't flood everything else out.
what? imo maul != TD The difference is that in maul you can put towers on monster's way, so there's a possibility of mazing, while in TD only the choice of right towers matters
Meee that is not correct, in some TD´s you can make labyrinths in some you cant. The difference is that the Maul is ALWAYS a team game.
I'm not looking forward to dota in sc 2, i think that the battlenet will kick so much more ass for the regular sc2 game. I think DotA will stay in Warcraft 3, although i'm sure someone out there will make an AOS type of game, it wont be synonymous with SC2 the way DotA is with Warcraft 3. DotA is pretty easy to learn, and its easier to join games with your friends in UMS if you are behind a router than it is to get in a team game, at least in my experience. at school we are behind routers we are not allowed to touch, so good-bye arranged team games. I think that explains DotA's popularity over warcraft 3, that and the fact that heroes and slower paced (high hp) and smaller scale (10 units) fighting made warcraft 3 frustrating for ex SC players.
I am looking forward to very rich and diverse USM games, and an easy to use but extremely potent map editor that makes it easier for even the noobiest amatuers to make great games so that I never get bored seeing and playing the same game over and over again. Also, I am looking forward to AMAZING rpg maps with the new multiplayer campaign format =P I hope the number of players goes from 8 to 16.
If you're looking for good rpg UMS, RagosORPG is the way to go. Among others: -multiple maps to load your character on (including raid bosses and pvp map), -no 99999 level characters that kill everything (max level is 10, rest is skill, teamwork and eq, but items aren't overpowered so you still need teamwork for strong bosses) -scripted boss battles Unless you're counting on a good story, then look other way >_>
Going beyond DotA, I think it'll be possible to have almost a WoW-like game with multiple linked maps. Provided you have a lot of time, though.
I am not really a fan of open RPG maps. For one, they aren't very player interactive to me, I think its because it is such a large game with different quests, things to do, etc and so few players. I am more a fan of "closed" RPGs that have a set story and set characters, and you follow a plotline of intense gameplay, story, epic boss battles, etc, and everyone is always together working as a team to defeat the game. But this game you describe seems interesting, is it for warcraft 3 the frozen throne?
yes it's for FT. I haven't seen most of the later maps (or updates to older ones for that matter), but I'm sure they are all interactive enough. Unless you have some great equipment from later maps you have to work as a team to defeat bosses. Again, it doesn't have much of a storyline, but some bosses are pretty epic