I hate it. Why? Because a normal sentence shouldn't have @# symbols stuffed in between every other word. Also, summing up situations in a single sentence seems lazy. If you so badly want to share with everybody how your day is going, start a blog. Or write someplace where people don't loose interest after a couple of these soulless "tweets". It's so empty of emotions and devoid of any dedication. If you merely want to leave a note, use a post it. Just felt like throwing these thoughts out there. #meaningless rant
There's this thing where you don't have to go to that site and read any of it. Works great for meee so far
I know I don't have to visit it, but nearly every interesting game developer, artist, etc has moved their whole blog and update stuff to Twitter. Even Blizzard is doing it. :/
Yeah, I've never actually gone to twitter before I don't think. I hate Facebook though..does that count? Only made an account to play Mafiawars for a bit, but it was too stupid easy and lacking in fun so I just QQed it.
Never been one for all those social networking sites, I think it's all anti-social as hell and a huge waste of time. You wanna talk to friend, text, don't have a phone? **** you, yes you do. Everyone does, even poor people. Hang out if you seriously don't. -.- No reason why people need to know what you're doing 24/7. Plus it's a place begging to get you caught for something cus you didn't realise your great great great grandmother had a facebook and was watching you talk about how you smoked a joint and screwed a 30 year old at your friends highschool graduation. -.-
I follow bands that I like. That way, I'm informed as to how far along with their albums they are, new, up-to-date tour dates. Hell, I've even snagged discount tickets from folks three times, and managed to meet the lead singer of one band cause he tweeted that he was gonna stick around.
I've been using Twitter since the day Craig Ferguson announced he was going to start using it (that's right! I was a part of the Robot Skeleton Army BEFORE Geoff Peterson was created!). While I don't tweet as much as I did when I first started, I use it to post profound thoughts I have or random things. As for the random @'s and #'s, they refer to either users (@'s) or list (#'s). I don't really use list myself. The 140 character limit is to maintain compatibility with SMS messaging, since the United States has failed to embrace mobile emailing (I blame our crappy, uncompetitive cellphone market and non-unifed phone standards!). You can use twitter from any SMS enabled cellphone (send twits to 40404 after making sure your cell number is in your twitter profile!). My current tweets about my birthday are a little... different. @RisingStart for anyone who cares. Sometimes twitter is just about the only way for me to get a hold of some of my friends. They've gotten to lazy and won't log into IM's anymore because they don't like sitting in front of a computer all day (go figure)!
Well, the background is an educational thing. You see, people die when they are killed. For some reason, many do not understand this simple fact. So you read all 744 of my tweets already... DAMN you must read fast. j/k lol
Fenix, I know its hard to believe.. but when you kill someone... they die. Its okay, its a simple fact of life. Fantastic Walter impression btw. XD
Yeah. Walter was actually in a GOOD mood tonight... which is just WEIRD. Achmed was extremely underwhelming, and I got to see the premiere of Diana (he actually brought her out last to "test" her), the puppet he used in the movie "Dinner with Schmucks." He also announced that yesterday (Oct 13th) he finished the head of his new puppet in development, Achmed's son (I forget the name he gave him). His son will be a soft spoken "British" character who is "half dead." Apparently his head will be half Achmed (skeleton) and half burned up person. XD He said the inspiration for the character was Sayid Jarrah from Lost (played by Naveen Andrews), who apparently is a soft spoken Brit in real life.