So I had tea with the old ones yesterday.

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Aug 7, 2010.

So I had tea with the old ones yesterday.

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    They are actually quite fun guys, if a bit easily offended(me being a mere mortal and all). Did ya know R'lyeh adds vodka to his tea? Anyways as I was saying, I was having tea with these guys. And then suddenly Seth bursts in. The tea-pot fell over, such a damn waste. But anyways, Seth start yelling about the king in yellow(turns out he is one of the thousand children of Shub-niggurath) wrecking his nephews becoming Bar Mitsvah the day before. And then the king in yellow runs in, about how it was not his fault, and Thor(seth's nephew) was just asking for it, and that we would have done the same. And then Seth punches the king in yellow in the face(-like thingie), and the king in yellow jumped at Sith, punching him right in the canine jaw. It all escalated even more and only ended when me and Chtulhu tried to keep them apart. But when they finally calm down, king in yellow even apologizing, Thor runs in, obviously drunk, and tries to hit the king in yellow. But his vision was so blurry he hit me in the eye. I think I passed out after that cause my memory is kinda vague. I woke up in my bed, but now am kinda worried since there is a tentacle growing out of my chin, and I am wondering if I should see a doctor.

    Any of you been in similair situation and know what to do?