I think I'm going to figure out a way to make "****" turn in to a random 4-letter verb in my browser.
It's cold. It snowed three days ago and hasn't really warmed up. I'm poor, so I get to donate plasma, which will in turn make me even colder since the donation room is like 60 degrees instead of the 7 my apt is. The good news is my grandma bought me some mint oreos yesterday, so those are awesome.
I feel guilty, I feel like giving you money, only because you are happy for oreos I'm doing great tho... I got a new job which pays very well, and in a month, I'm getting a raise. I have a buffet of beautiful women at my work. And I have a rack of ribs waiting for me tonight. I have a date setup for next week. I am feeling pretty good. The only downfall of my past several days, is losing my ladder matches to GMs
I'm not as poor as I make it out to be. And mint oreos are freaking amazing, no matter your financial status. Also, buffet of beautiful women? Whaaaa
With lots of laughter and/or spit takes, like I did. And dyamn Fenix. I'm glade it usually doesn't really get all that cold around here. And imma certainly not donating my lush bodily fluids when the weather is already close to killing me.
Quite well actualy, doing well in school, maintainning my various money stealing hobbies, and actualy went out on my first date a week ago and she gave me a possiblely on future ones so here's to hoping that i can continue to take her out.