In half-life 1, I, the mighty Gordon Freeman, fought against an alien invasion and a military intervention, stopping the conquest of earth by these aliens and handing the military back control of the overworld. I, the mighty Gordon Freeman, am a decently well-known scientist. In half-life 2, the earth has been taken over by afore-mentioned aliens. I, the mighty Gordon Freeman, am a messiah to the people.
The leaders of the resistance in HL2 are people who firsthand saw you defeat the Xau (?). Eli, Kleiner, Barney, and Magnusson. The leader of the bigbad on Earth is the director the the facility where you beat off an alien invasion singlehandedly, he's passed this on. Plus, you're legend status. What could've started off as "He fought off aliens once, he'll help us do it again" can easily become "He is above human capacity. He is our saviour. He is the Free Man,"
true. But when in the hell did the Vertigons rebel from the Xau, join the combine, rebel from the combine and join the earth resistance?
That one is supposed to be an enigma. I accept weirdness that is supposed to be weird. also, re: the plot of HL2: ep 2. The plan is to shoot a satellite into space, with a countercode to a superportal, which operates on the same code as the original black mesa gate and the original combine supergate. Problem: I already shot a satellite into space with that countercode, back in half-life 1 (at least, that's what I think it was). So, how could the combine invade in the first place?
In the trailers for Alien Swarm, I saw a gonarch. Does that mean that game also takes place in half-life, or is it just a cameo? Fun fact; the gonad monarch's design started with this phrase: Why don't we put a giant testicle on a twenty foot tall armored spider?.