Lawls, wassup? o.o Bootcamp was easy, head to Pensacola Florida soon for my schooling. I can game there. :0
I'm done already. Graduated last Friday and now I'm down in Pensacola Florida for my "A" school. Gonna be here for two and a half years. -_____- (Was supposed to be like eight months or some ****.) Now I'm sitting around waiting to class about...3 months and 4 weeks left till that happens. XD **** me. >_< So what's been up with SC and ****, anything good?
Grats on that. While you were gone, Blizzard switched over to making Bejweled games, not kidding. Enjoy ;D
"rora is oversimplifying things again. Blizz bought up the rights to Bejeweled and is making a new series of heroic fantasy revolving around it. Actually, no, but Blizzard has confirmed that they are working on a non-starcraft/warcraft/diablo project.
hmm....World of Jewelcraft... I like that idea ijffdrie, you should tell Blizzard about it But I'm picking the purple jewel, cuz it looks the most manly and awesome.