SMM Concept (AMM addition)

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by CommunitySC, Oct 19, 2008.

SMM Concept (AMM addition)

  1. CommunitySC

    CommunitySC New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I was thinking about AMM earlier today and I thought of a new concept that I will call Selective Matchmaking (SMM) from now on. In essence, SMM is a function that would allow Starcraft 2 players that are playing solo to select the skill level of their opponents at whim. As opposed to the AMM system that matches players with opponents of relatively equal skill, SMM would give the player more power to control their ladder movement.

    For one, if they are highly skilled they can begin playing challenging opponents sooner and not waste time working their way up through the noobs - if they can stick with and beat their new, better opponents.

    For two, SMM gives mediocre players the chance to experiment with new strategies against legitimate opponents. This situation creates an innovation machine that develops unique strategies and techniques. It allows newer players to show fresh ideas to older players and allows older players to test 'tried-and-true' strategies against possibly unorthodox newcomers.

    Conclusively, the SMM system would remove limits on upward mobility in the solo ladder while causing matches that in some form, by definition, foster new strategies and test old ones.

    In terms of parameters, I think there should be a level where SMM becomes a usable function. This level should be high enough to prevent misuse but low enough to encourage upward mobility and strategy development. Using the level system from Warcraft III TFT, I would suggest a level in the 8-16 range but this is a mere superficiality; the game-makers and testing can decide an appropriate level. Regardless, the players in this range or at the specified level would have a solid grasp on the game and couldn't possibly be using freshly created accounts to abuse the system.

    Additionally, I think that at whatever level is chosen for the beginning of the SMM function, there should be a limit on matches per level that are SMM-based. By this I mean that players cannot simply use SMM to play ladder matches...unless they are on the level of their opponents. If they have the skill of their SMM-designated opponents, they will accelerate through a level fast enough to get to the next level without using all of their SMM 'tokens'. This will quickly place the individual on an appropriate level from which they can develop and mature as a RTS player.

    What do you guys think? I never got a whole ton of discussion out of the official forums about this topic so I thought I would bring it here. It's on our forums at the below link: