small idea and opinion for starcraft 2

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Justicator, Jun 30, 2008.

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small idea and opinion for starcraft 2

  1. Justicator

    Justicator New Member

    Oct 28, 2007
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    I like very much Starcraft2 and I don,t want that it is so as Warcraft3(unbalanced in the aspekt of attack,counter and defense).Starcraft2 must be better as Starcraft1,and to make that I have a small idea.

    If one click Singleplayer ot Multiplayer,shall a table to come out,that give us three options.
    The options are to play Starcraft2,Starcraft1(Starcraft 2 whit broodwar rulles and units and........) and Starcraft universe.
    If we chose the first,we play Starcraft2.If we chose the second,we play Starcraft1 whit 100% better graphic.If we selected Starcraft universe then we play Starcraft2 with our individual options of a player that are created in the editor.Starcraft universe is the ultimate starter for your own created pach in the editor.You can make new rules ,races, units and .......(to break the limit of 200 supply).
    But if a player will play a campaign in Starcraft universe he must create before in the editor.
    With all this features we can advance our game skills.

    Additional I have small opinion about the current deployment of Starcraft2.

    part 1


    Zealot-At the moment,theZealot have 3 model animations,the best of these is the second from the first game play trailer of the protoss.

    Immortal-Only what I hate on the Immortel are their antennas (toothpick) cannons.I very much like the old robocop terminator cannons(return the old cannons)Otherwise i like very the blue blood and death sound effect so as the Dragoons.

    Stalker-I want the old attack animation of the Stalker(From the first game play trailer of the protoss)I have heard that the Stalker hass had a gold model animation-I want it in the editor.

    Phoenix-The Phoenix is th ebest way to replace the Corsair and the Scout(i miss you).With his middle strong attack he replace the Scout,and with his overload ability the Corsair. That what I sea in the first game play trailer of the protoss was that the Phoenix have a twice attack,and it can shoot a ground and a air target at the same time.In this situation it shoots 4 lasers wow.!!!!!
    If this are not a graphical defect,it will be the besst pasive ability for the Phoenix,that represented the philosophical principle of the protoss.(Mass attack,small damage).Additional I think that the first attack animation from the first game play trailer of the protoss is better as the new.

    High Templar-The High Templar is ok,but the art animation is to much Warcraft3 style,and the move energy shadow fail.The High Templar must gain his third ability back (Force Field)

    Dark Templar-The Dark Templar require a ability as a eyecandy.We can command the Dark Templar to be cloaked or uncloaked.

    Twilight Archon-The Twilight Archon is the best way to replace two archon types,and to solve the problem of the dark and light system.The Twilight Archon is more useful as his forefathers(whit a combination of a good attack and feedback ability).The new Archon is very attractive with his ability power overwhelming,but he is better for missions where conservative High Templar use their power.I am the opinion that the Twilight Archon get its old model animation.(these from the PC gamers game play trailer),my theory is that the Twilight Archon is a new era of the higher living organism in our dimension.Normally during the union of the souls by two same templar comes to a collective energy agreement that allow to the created archon to stay in our world as a higher creature without to lose most of his power.By the twilight pact comes an another kind of energy flux(it have no roll which templars meld,the new energy flux is so a kind new philosophy(unorthodox) that allows the melding of differed templars)where by a great amount of energy dissipates to keep the much higher but fine creature in our dimension.With the great dissipates of energy to become the existence,losses the Twiligt Archon a great deal of his psihonic powers and abilitys.With psihonic powers I mean that the Twilight Archon are weaker as the normal Archon(25 damage),and it can not more float.The fine twilight archon is so as a flower and must be protected ,with glory armor(armaments) that increase his shield points(The twilight archon have so as the normal archon 350 shield points where hte normal archon have 350 shield points not from armor,he have from his own psi power),therefore he have foot armor because he can not float.
    But for that compensated all with his feedback ability and with his own null field that surrounded his body (maybe the small flying objects on the archon) that protekt him from abilitys don,t activates mines and the psi storm takes him fewer damage.And therefore he mus become this model.

    Colossus-give back the old better colosus attack.The new attack is to barbarisch and low for the protoss philosophy.

    Nulifer- is a attractive unit but with his looks the protoss to micro.Its like so as the Soulhunter a little overpowered.The other two abilitys makes the game so as Warcraft 3,and that is sad.The protoss are stronger with his fleet,because of that i want to be returned the StarRelic.The StarRelic can become the cloak field from the mothership,and additional a ability called self destruction or detonation that acts like a air mine or...... it must become a shrewd idea.The StarRelic must be the replacement of the Arbiter.

    WarpRay- I want that the golden look are in the editor.

    Mothership-The Mothership is a new units that don't replace any unit.The Mothership have a capital and mass support roll , her function is to weak the massive enemy and not to destroy then-for destruction are the Carriers created.
    1.The mothership can without problem to be allowed for mass building.
    2.The mothership can have 850 live and 350 shield points ,it will be exist the right counter.
    3.It is good that the mothership are build in nexus.
    4.The void,share energy,teleport and the warp link ability are very improper for the mothership(At most the warp in link funktion is horrible because he broke my theory about the second transport
    system. to the opinion that the old time bomb animation is better,because he is greater and beauty and the ideal synthetic ability for the mothership.(will scourge ot interceptors slower in the time bomb field?)
    6.The new planet cracker is like a frustrating mixer I want see back the old planetcraker animation.
    7.The attack variation from the first game play trailer of the protoss is better as the new.
    The new attack animation is like the overload ability of the phoenix.And these five pulse disruptors are to much destructive.I like the more but weaker pulse disruptors and to be shooted so as the first game play trailer of the protoss.Additional the mothership must become a special
    attack intelligence.If a mothership fighting vs 10 zergligs and 3 hydralisks,the mothership will mass attack primal the zerglings ,because they are the ,most creature in the battlefield.Also if the mothership have no concrete attack.order he will mass attack will scatter and weaken the enemy forces.If we give to the mothership a concrete attack.order (right click on a enemy unit) it will use all his pulse disruptors on the selected unit .The interesting feature is that the damage calculating on the enemy unit will be so like the warp ray.(The mothership strike with so much weak pulse disruptors that the last shoot will be coincide with the cooldown of the attack and the new attack will begin directly so as the first game play trailer of the protoss.The damage system is so like as the warp ray who when the mothership use concentrate fire it will be damage the enemy unit over a accurate time.The difference of the mothership and the warp ray in the damage system are that although he use this concentrate fire ,the warp ray make his shoot stronger,who the mothership can not make his concentrate fore stronger he can mass attack the enemy.

    However ,the mothership require a additional new ability that are better as void,share energy,teleport and the warp link.We require a more impression ability (I give now stupid examples)

    Hexagon field – the mothership goes over a pylon or a phase prism and cant fight.In this psi matrix of the pylon or phase prism that gains energy from the mothership will increase the shield level or .....

    Time warp – The mothership is very slow ,therefore we build a special building like a flower where the flower is like the blue armor like the phase prism that open and load the mother ship(or de load) and for a small amount of cash we can teleport the mothership in a psi matrix or in other so flower buildings.
  2. Justicator

    Justicator New Member

    Oct 28, 2007
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    Carrier-I have changed my opinion about the Carrier.The new Escort idea is so good and cool that makes the Carrier more effective.But I am again to the opinion that the Carrier require a second ability , maybe the best will be these delicate harden GTA shields.Yes I have posted my idea long time ago , but I want only tho mention my idea.Also by this idea you can every time when you will or when you need to activate the harden GTA shields.By the activation of these haren GTA shields the carrier don,t louse his air shields like the Tempest,his air shields will only more weaker and will take more damage from the enemy attack(if the base shield level is 0 the carrier will have -4 plasma air shields, if the base shield level is 1 the carrier will have – 3 plasma air shields)(Thsi is only during the harden GTA shields.The harden GTA shields are the prefect answer for island duel(you can not every time to risk only with escorts.The harden GTA shields will be very helpful but and very dangerous for the Carrier mostly vs organised enemy.For example if is a thor under the carrier,we will eminently activate the harden GTA shields,but then will the enemy come whit his Battlecruiser that shoots 8 lasers that makes 8 damage and have 4 bonus(every one) that makes 96 damage after one striking.I feel what a delight will haves the anti air units.(but the escort will make a great surprise


    Marine-he is better with the emblem on the shield.

    Reaper-The mine ability is good and give us a multiple choice for raiding.He must become his weaker attack ,then it will be to ................

    Viking-The Viking is the best way to replace ½ the goliat and1/2 the wraith.First must the Viking build in the Factory.If is the Viking in the ground modus he become bonus from vehicle plating and vehicle weapons.If is in air modus he become bonus from ship plating and ship weapons.And additional he require a attack intelligence to attack primal capitalships.It will be strong vs protoss but weak vs zerg(coruption,carrier).

    Thor-I like that have a normal ground attack and a splash air attack.The self repair is accustoming needily but it will be very useful.We require the cobra but weaker and whit as splash slowing efect so as the mauderer,but only to mechanical units.

    Mauderer-O my god.I have a allergy from this unit,it have no splash damage and this unit will replace the firebat-in no case.The firebat is to important for the terran and he must be come back.
    The firebat must become the beauty art model od the maudere.

    Jackal-The jackal is a mobile firebat and he is not successful as unit.

    Preator-he is that what the terran need in his air arsenal(smal canges on the unit and he is perfect).

    Ghost-The ghos is very good contrived with snipe and EMP shot and so is more useful.(so he have a ability with a special advantage vs the protoss and a vs the zerg,but nothing vs terran..Yes we can use these two vs terran but it missing a ability that is special devoted to the terran).Only what the ghost require is the good old Lockdown ability,it will be the ideal spice for starcraft2.
    The drop pod ability must come back with infantry choice.(only ghost and medic cannot putt in the drop pod while balance is on the first place.

    Medic-The Medic must comeback because she is better as the medivak.The restoration ability must returned to cnonver infested units.But thtat is base raiding and not assault or a longbattle

    Medivak-The Medivak is a awful unit.I think tath she comes in the game because during the base raiding the reaper have no healer.By raiding you must destrroy important building or units.We must to consider if the raiding will have this efect that we will.Also risk is inclusive.

    The Battlecruiser-The Battlecruiser is one of my favorite units.I don,t like the missile barrage I like more the Plasma Torpedoes but it will be very interest if if we have the choice from all 3 super weapons.I have write after a long time ago a idea about the Battlecruiser ,but the idea is false writen and note the same what I want to say.
    My idea is to buff up the Battlecruiser.The Battlecruiser have two attacks to choice one,that we always when we will can switching the another.The attack whit the 8 small lasers I call it as burst laser (burstlaser weapon system.),and the another attack with the great laser ( first game play trailer of the protoss) I call it laser phalanx.All two attacks makes in a same time the same damage,but they are for several maneuvers.

    The attack progress is very easy.
    The attack cooldown is the same.The attack duration of the burst laser are 1,5 second ,and the Bc shoots 8 lasers and makes 64 damage.In the same period with the laser phalanx weapon system shoot the BC on laser in the beginning and one in the ending of the 1,5 seconds and makes 64 damage.

    In additional i have a second idea about my idea but he is not so good.The second idea is to give to the burst laser to be stronger vs armored units or to have a mass attack all small units (marine zerglings or interceptors) or that the laser phalanx can miss a small unit or a tier 1 unit or........idiocy

    Zerg-the zerg are very good made in Starcraft2,it require few for the final touch.

    Overlord- i don,t like the new overlord and overseer.I want only the old overlord.

    Mutalisk -the attack animation from the first game play trailer of the protoss is better.

    Scourge-it will be very useful in Starcraft2

    Devouver-The Coruptor replaces the air caster of the zerg and not the Devouver.We require very much the Devouver in Starcraft2.

    I have mentioned a theory where alll 3 races have a special have a second transport variation.The terran will have the dropships as first and the drop pod as second transport.The protoss will have the phase prism and the warp in funktion.The zerg will have the overlord as primal and the nyndus worm as second transport.The drpo pod is only for small units like the infantry,but the transport is safety.The warp in funktion allows to summon in psi matrix all gateway units,but the safety is not so good.The protoss and the terran haves unit that can step up an down cliffs (Reaper,Collosus),but the zerg have not such extras,bur for compensation the zerg have the saves and the strongest transport.We can so as nyndos tunel move all our army in the enemy base.(exept ultralisk an queen).
    If scouts come in the editor ,it will be better that he looking so as the picure here.

    Most important is that all what not coming in Starcraft2(every small detail change (animations,models......))will be nice if the coming in the editor.

    At last I want say that every opinion from everyone is important because:

    "We are the Gamers(consumers,players). We burned a path of annihilation across the PC... and then, we vanished. Ten years ago we faded into the shadows. We've thrived. We evolved new game tactics. Now the time has come for us to step back into the forums. Now game producer will tremble once again! Unbalanced games will fall! Defect game project will shatter! We are the Gamers(consumers,players), but we are becoming much, much more. For the final opinion of Starcraft2 has only just begun."

    Attached Files:

  3. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Ill answer you first idea (dont have time for the rest):
    Playing SCBW in 3d:
    You want to wait 3 years more for SC2 or what? And how shall this make the game better than SC1, unless you think grafics are a big factor?

    Rest will be answered later, to be countinued......
    check my sig and add the one you posted :)
  4. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    I recall Blizz saying (Pretty sure it was a samwise interview) that SC2 was started by modeling all the original units. I'm sure those units will be in the map editor and SC1 in SC2 games will be readily available as UMS.

    Your SC Universe idea is flawed. If everyone on Bnet wants to play their own custom SC how often will you find a game that you like? How often will you find one that is balanced. Over customization is a terrible thing when you bring together many different people with many different tastes.
    Makes me think of when people said they wanted different factions under each of the 3 races. It's too much to balance. That's why there is no fourth playable race.

    I too could not bear to read the rest of that incredibly long post. Maybe split it into different topics? Or hope for less lazy replies (sorry).
  5. Good God, man! Just go play StarCraft: Brood War. If you really have to play it with better graphics just wait for the inevitible Brood War mod/map. Melee should NEVER have so many branches, in my opinion. It'll just ruin the overall experience.

    -- Also, none of these ideas need to be done. NONE! (Please, don't take offense, though.) Because they can all be done, and will be done to death, through the map editor. Also, please spell check/grammar check from now on. It would have allowed me to read past the first 1/2 paragraphs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2008
  6. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Yeah, its a very hard post to read, also the reason why i choosed not to read it all.
  7. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    I'm only reading the Terran ones, because I'm a hardcore machine-using fan.

    Marine: Doesn't he still have the emblem right now on the shield...? Albeit the new (better) one.


    Viking: I don't think it should have to feed off all 4 of the Armory upgrades. Blizzard I'm pretty sure will make it rely on vehicle or ship. Not both. And like it, all units aren't great VS other kinds.
    Weak VS the Zerg Corruptors? Not the Viking methinks. The Corruptors can only attack air, same with the Viking. If you spot the Corruptors before they infect your army, shift to ground form. The Corruptors can't get you anymore and Air Mode Vikings can only attack other air units. Just trot on by in ground form.

    Thor: Uh. Don't know how you went from Thor to Cobra. But I like the Thor at the moment.

    Cobra: It was scrapped. And I don't really want a clone of an already existing unit just so it can do the same thing but against another unit type. Plus a unit that can shoot while moving, and stun enemy mechanicals is kind of overpowered. Another point is this unit was already scrapped.

    Marauder: The only thing I have to complain about this guy is the lack of splash. But if you have enough of them you could turn the tides methinks. Firebat wasn't that important. Just to fend off Zealots and Zerglings early game. After that he was kind of...
    Plus the Firebat doesn't have the range on the Marauder.

    Jackal: According to you Firebats are a good, valuable thing. So what's wrong with a mechanical, faster, longer ranged one?

    Predator: I don't think small changes will save this guy. Plus wasn't it scrapped already?

    Ghost: Few issues with what you've said on this guy.
    A) Snipe is great for TvT right now in my opinion. Terran use Infantry units throughout the entire game.
    B) EMP Shot won't be used as much I think, but will still be useful. I'm pretty sure sapping a Battlecruiser's energy before it Yamato's something of yours will be handy.
    C) But Lockdown is old now. We don't really want a 3D Starcraft 1 in disguise as a sequel.
    D) Drop Pod was nice, but if all your ideas were to be implemented on the Ghost, he'd have way too many abilities: Cloak, Snipe, Drop Pod, Lockdown, EMP Shot, and Nuke.

    Medic: A moment of silence for my gal please...

    ...Thank you. She'll be missed if she's not in the build on release. But if she were to come back, you can't use Restoration on Infested Units since they're spawned Infested right out of Terran buildings the Infester (sp?) pukes on.
    Medics were good for long infantry VS infantry battles because they made their ally infantry last longer. But against heavier things...

    Medivac: There's always a risk in dropping off units for a raid. Don't know why it has to be Reaper specific. Plus can't you make like 5 Reapers rapid fire with a cooldown on the Merc Haven?
    I personally am starting to like the Medivac the longer I think about it. Dropping off your Marine boys, let them do some harm, and evacuate the survivors as they get healed on the way back to base.

    Battlecruiser: I'm not touching that with a 32-foot Gauss Rifle.
  8. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    United States is this 'small idea and opinion?' Please edit your post so it's not a wall of text. Also, this may be a forum, but try and put some effort into spelling, there were a LOT of typos in your posts.
  9. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Major one thing:
    You said Terran uses infantery trought out the whole game in TvT, I just dont think that will be the case, even thought I hoped. TvT scbw was all about mech vs mech, and I think sc TvT will be the same, becasue Terran has no counter to mechs in their infantery (perhaps the marauder, but acording to jon it costs the ****)
  10. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    I was addressing Snipe to TvT because he said there's nothing good for TvT, although I think otherwise.
  11. ecchisan2

    ecchisan2 New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    anywhere you don't
    I think the overlord morph to overseer is a great idea because they removed the detection from the photon cannons and turrets. Also weren't the soulhunter thingies scrapped? And I remember blizzard said that they wanted the mothership to become more of a support unit like the queen for the zergs.
  12. Zeratul88

    Zeratul88 New Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Does any1 think some type of bomber for the terran would be neat?

    Taking away the photon canon and missile turrets ability to detect is retarded, they should even call the game starcraft2 they should call starcraft alternate gaming experience, its good but no longer starcraft.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2008
  13. JohnnyLocke

    JohnnyLocke Guest

    I think your ideas are well thought out but I can't see them wasting time developing all of them.

    I'd rather just get SC2 sooner rather than later.
  14. 10-Neon

    10-Neon New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    Gainesville, FL
    Apart from the thread not going anywhere, and retreading old ground, the anchor post is far below this forum's expected level of quality. Locked.
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